The quickest and easiest way to find journal articles is to use Library Search on the library homepage. This will search across all full-text articles available at Queen’s. (The video below will show you how to use it).
If you are looking for a specific article just enter the title into the search box. For more general searches enter some keywords - the results page will give you plenty of options to limit and improve your search. The presentations on this page will show you how to find articles and use Library Search.
A journal is a specific type of academic publication. Like magazines they are published regularly throughout the year. This may be monthly, biannually or quarterly and each part is referred to as a journal issue.
Each journal issue contains a collection of articles (short pieces of written work). Articles are written by academic staff from universities and other research institutions. The articles support current research and teaching and will be useful to you during your studies.
As with books, on the front page or within the first few pages of the issue, there will be a list of contents. These may include articles, reviews, editorials and other short pieces of informative writing.
Most journals are published electronically, but the convention is to reference them using the print details. Depending on the referencing style you are using, they will look something like this: