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Management in Heath & Social Care for Healthcare Library: Welcome


Welcome to the LibGuide for HSC Health Managers.  This guide is designed to help you find and use the library resources most relevant for your profession.  Use the tabs above to navigate to the appropriate section.  

Remember your subject librarian is available to provide advice and training such as:-

  • how to search and find information
  • training on using specific databases 
  • advice on literature searching

For quick searches to find books, journal titles or articles use the Library Search box on the library homepage. 

Upcoming training

Training sessions are held at regular intervals during the year.  Check the Library training calendar for upcoming sessions.  

If you are completely new to using the Library it might be best to register for a Welcome to the Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland session which will give an overview of the Library service.  These sessions are held monthly for the Belfast and SE Trust.  Check out our training calendar for further details.

Remember!  You can contact your subject librarian at anytime if you require individual training, or if you and colleagues would like a tailored session at a location convenient to you.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Patrick Elliott
Queen's University Medical Library
Mulhouse Building
Royal Victoria Hospital
BT12 6DP