See below for links to, and guidance on using, key databases and other resources of relevance to medicine, dentistry and healthcare science searches.
Database and resource queries should be directed to Richard Fallis, Specialist Librarian for the above professional areas:
Most of the videos below use the search example shown at:
cognitive deficit* OR cognitive impairment*
COVID-19 OR coronavirus disease 2019 OR SARS-CoV-2
Limit results to: English language review articles about elderly patients
PubMed is a major, free medicine and biomedical sciences search platform.
It is recommended for quick searches where reproducibility is not essential.
If running advanced searches, such as scoping or systematic reviews, MEDLINE ALL is recommended instead.
Access PubMed by clicking the link below:
Video length: 2 minutes 53 seconds
Ovid is an online platform offering access to 2 key Healthcare Library databases, MEDLINE ALL and Embase.
MEDLINE ALL is recommended instead of PubMed for advanced searches such as scoping or systematic reviews.
Access key Ovid databases by clicking the links below and logging in with Healthcare Library credentials if prompted:
The video below shows how to search Ovid databases, with a particular focus on MEDLINE ALL.
Video length: 11 minutes 52 seconds
The additional video below shows how to use the explode and focus options in Ovid databases such as MEDLINE ALL and Embase that offer subject heading searching.
Please note: content relating to PsycINFO in this video is relevant to QUB users only, not HSC staff, as this database is not available via the Healthcare Library.
Video length: 5 minutes 19 seconds
Cochrane Library can be worth searching in addition to the databases above, in order to find relevant Cochrane reviews, protocols, and clinical trials indexed in the Cochrane CENTRAL database.
Access Cochrane Library by clicking the link below:
The video below shows how to search Cochrane Library, using the search manager tool under advanced search.
Video length: 4 minutes 46 seconds
ClinicalKey is an Elsevier resource that can be useful for quick evidence searches.
Access ClinicalKey by clicking the link below, and logging in with your Healthcare Library credentials if prompted:
The video below shows how to use ClinicalKey to find Elsevier journal articles, books, and other content.
Video length: 4 minutes 39 seconds