There are 2 ways to search for articles on a topic using library resources:-
1. On the library homepage the Library Search enables you to do a very quick and basic search for articles on a topic.
2. For more detailed and systematic searching always use the databases relevant to your subject area, a list of these can be found your subject guide. NB To access any of the databases use your student number and Queen's Online password when prompted.
Please use the links below to access the Cochrane library and CKS. If you still have issues accessing them from outside the UK you will have to use the Queen's Student Desktop or CITRIX (see link below for further information on this).
If you experience any problems when trying to access the electronic resources there is a troubleshooting guide or please don't hesitate to contact your subject librarian.
Working on your thesis or studying at home? It's sometimes more difficult to find what resources you have access to when you are off campus. Download the Lean Library Access browser extension and access study material anytime, anywhere.