As a reference management tool, EndNote helps you collect, store, and organise references from various library resources. You can import references directly from the Queen's Library Search, databases, manually input them or even import PDFs to generate a reference. Once collected, these references are stored in your library within EndNote, where you can organise them into groups if required.
For information on adding references to your Word document using EndNote's Cite While You Write plugin, please refer to the 'Using EndNote with Microsoft Word (Cite While You Write)' tab.
For most catalogues and databases the following steps are required to get references into your EndNote library:
Most databases will offer EndNote as an export option, if it isn't explicitly offered you should chose RIS. RIS files (.ris) are a standard format file developed by Research Information Systems.
Detailed instructions on how to export from specific platforms are available here:
Library Search (QUB's discovery platform/catalogue)
ProQuest (ABI/INFORM Global, Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, ERIC, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Music & Performing Arts Collection, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, Screen Studies Collection, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts)
Full details on how to create Groups and add references are available here.
There are 2 ways to access the blank template by which you can add references manually.
1. Select References > New Reference from tabs at top of page
2. Select the plus + sign (quick links options)
Once you locate the template select your Reference Type from available list, then fill in details required for your citations and bibliography.
1. Gather PDFs into one folder on your desktop (PC or laptop)
2. Name this folder so that you can easily find it
3. Go to top menu tabs: File > Import
4. Select File (for one PDF) or Folder (to import a collection of PDFs) before pointing Endnote to your saved folder
5. Select Import. Your PDFs will be uploaded.
6. In some cases, Endnote may populate the reference details for you. If this does not happen, manually edit to include the details you need for your citations and bibliography.