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Support for Teaching: Book chapters and journal articles

EZproxy changes

On the 27th August 2024, the Ezpoxy set up for off campus access to resources changed. For more details on how this may affect you please see the Eresources guide.

If you are setting up direct links to subscription resources, the information boxes below explains how to do this.

Scanned Extracts

Requesting Scanned Extracts

Current licensing arrangements allow the Library to scan UK and US-published journal articles and book extracts for students enrolled on a particular module.

Not all readings can be scanned. The CLA licence only allows scanning from print originals. These must be either:

  • Print originals owned by the university (normally the Library), or 
  • 'Copyright cleared' copies requested by the Library from the British Library.

The following conditions also apply:

  • Each extract must be no more than 10% or one whole chapter of a book; and no more than two articles from a single issue of a journal unless a whole issue is devoted to a particular theme . 
  • The book or journal must be published in the UK or US. Exceptions apply but Library staff will check before proceeding.

The Library has a responsibility to provide this service to ensure a copyright statement is added and reporting details are made to the CLA which in turn ensures author payment.

To avail of this service, please contact your Subject Librarian.


Adding Scanned Extracts to Canvas

  • Log into Recommended Readings database. Please note students cannot access this link.
  • Enter your module code and click Search to see the list of module readings scanned by the library
  • Copy and paste the rows into Canvas
  • You may wish to add the readings to the Recommended Readings section of Canvas

Linking to databases

Subject Guides provide a list of key databases identified by your Subject Librarian to be of particular relevance to the teaching and research within your School. You can link directly to the appropriate tab in the guide or you can copy and paste the link of a particular database to create an embedded hypertext link.

The A-Z list of Databases is also available to select from the comprehensive list of databases which the Library subscribes to.

Library Search  - Linking books, journals, articles etc

Library Search holds a record for all the print and electronic books, journals, articles, databases and other resources which are available at the Library at Queen's. The records include a permallink which ensures students can gain direct access to electronic books and journals /articles whether on or off campus. You can add a permalink to Canvas or a document as follow:

1. Search for the book, journal / article etc


2. On the results page, click on the record 


3. Select the Permalink icon and copy the link


4. In your destination Canvas page or document, highlight the text you wish to embed the link into, right click and select the link option, paste the link and save.

If you embedded links from the previous Catalogue, Article Search, Classic Catalogue or E-Journals A-Z interfaces you will need to update them using the above steps. 

Links to Scanned Extracts will not be affected. 

Please see the Library Search page to find out how our move to Library Search may affect you in other ways.  

Linking to journal articles

There are 3 options:

1. Direct link to doi

You can link directly to most electronic articles, but it is important to include the proxy server address in your link to ensure it will work off campus. If you are working from a pc on campus the proxy may not appear. The proxy may already be embedded in the link you're using in which case you can copy and paste to text to create the hyperlink.

Where the proxy isn't identified on the publisher or provider's webpage, then you'll need to edit the URL to include it. The proxy server address is:

Where possible, use the journal article digital object identifier (doi). This is a unique url which ensures that even if the article moves location from one website to another, it can still be found.

The doi is usually found on the first page of the article – for example:



To create a complete url, copy and paste the proxy address making sure it is not hyperlinked and then add the doi and press return.

The link can be embedded in the text by highlighting the reference, right click, select hyperlink and copy and paste the url into the Address field.


2. Link to journal record in Library Search

Please see guidance on this page called Library Search  - Linking Books, journals, articles etc.

On 16th August 2023 the Library launched Library Search. This means that links from the previous Catalogue, Article Search, Classic Catalogue or E-Journals A-Z interfaces which you may have embedded in Canvas or elsewhere will will need updated.  Links to Scanned Extracts will not be affected. 

Please see the Library Search page to find out how our move to Library Search may affect you in other ways.  


3. Where the Library does not provide access to a journal article which students are required to use, you may make use of the Scanned Extracts service. You will be able to access the readings and place them in Canvas.