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Archaeology & Palaeoecology: Theses

Library support for Archaeology & Palaeoecology

QUB PhD theses

The McClay Library holds copies of all Queen's University PhD theses

A number of recent QUB PhD theses can be accessed online via the Queen's Research Portal. Please note that not all theses include the full-text (e.g. where an embargo has been applied).

Older QUB theses are held by the library in hardcopy format, and they are kept in the store. You can search for hardcopy theses in Library Search: search for a topic, then filter your search results by Resource Type: Dissertations and by Availability: Physical holdings. You can recognise theses by their distinctive shelfmark, which begins with T/ q e.g. T/q 1999.S4. 

If you would like to consult a hardcopy thesis, you can request that library staff fetch it from the store. Use the Request button in Library Search (you need to be signed in to Library Search). Theses may not be borrowed, but can be read in the library.

Please note: the Library does not collect QUB undergraduate and masters dissertations. Please contact the relevant School if you are trying to locate one.

Obtaining theses from other universities

UK and Ireland

Universities listed here have agreed to make their theses freely available through EThOS. If you need a thesis from a UK or Ireland university which is not participating in the scheme, please request it through the Inter-Library Loans service.

Please note: the EThOS service is currently unavailable due to a cyber attack.

Outside UK/Ireland

The websites listed on this page provide free online access to theses. It is only possible to obtain theses which must be paid for in exceptional circumstances: please consult your Subject Librarian.

UK and Ireland

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Collection of full-text dissertations and PhD theses from around the world, including from UK and Irish universities

EThOS (Electronic Theses Online Service) replaced the British Library Thesis Service in 2009. Theses from participating universities are digitised on demand, after which they are available for free download.

Please note: the EThOS service is currently unavailable due to a cyber attack.


DART-Europe E-theses Portal
Access to the full-text of a large and growing number of theses from over 520 universities in 27 European countries.

DiVA portal is a finding tool and an institutional repository for theses written at Swedish universities and colleges.

Netherlands Research Portal
Portal for theses and other research outputs from the Netherlands.
Aims to provide an entry point to:
• all ongoing doctoral theses in France
• all awarded theses in France, available in any format (print, digital, commercially published, etc.)
• individuals and institutions in connection with these theses.


North America

With PQDT Open, you can read the full text of US open-access dissertations and theses free of charge.

Theses Canada portal
Theses Canada provides an index of all theses produced at Canadian universities and free PDFs of theses produced since 1998.


Trove documents Australia’s research effort, bringing together articles, books, theses and data sets. Currently Trove includes the details of more than 300,000 theses submitted in, or relating to, Australia. Search tips for finding theses via Trove

South Africa

National ETD Portal
Full-text access to South African theses and dissertations.


NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations)
The NDLTD Union Catalog contains more than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations.

OATD (Open Access Theses and Dissertations)
An international database giving free access to over 2 million theses and dissertations.

EBSCO Open Dissertations
This database gives free access to the full text of open access dissertations and theses.