Pure, the University's research information system, has moved to cloud hosting.
What do you need to do?
Users will not notice any difference in the look and feel of Pure. However, if you have Pure saved as a bookmark, it is advised to delete this and re-save the bookmark using this URL, https://pureadmin.qub.ac.uk/admin/, to ensure you are directed to the cloud hosted site.
What are the benefits?
Migrating Pure to the cloud will offer us several benefits, including:
- Enhanced Performance and New Features: By moving to cloud hosting, we can upgrade Pure more frequently and take advantage of any new features, resulting in improved system performance and a better user experience.
- Improved User Experience: We're transitioning to a single sign-on (SSO) system for logging into Pure, which will bring us in line with other University Systems and Office 365. This change will streamline the login process and improve overall usability.
- Reduced Technical and Maintenance Costs: Moving to the cloud will help reduce the technical and maintenance costs associated with hosting the system on-premises.
- Alignment with Strategy 2030: The move aligns with Strategy 2030 and supports the University's broader goal of moving more services to the cloud.
If you have any questions about this upgrade or Pure in general, please get in touch at puresupport@qub.ac.uk.