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Architecture: Regulations, technical papers, reports, contracts

Construction Information Service

The Construction Information Service database provides access to building regulations, technical guides, reports, briefings and industry news from professional bodies related to UK building regulations, construction management and building design (incl. BSIRA, CIBSE, CIOB, CIRIA, RIBA, TRADA, etc.).

This database has recently moved to a new platform. After authenticating with your QUB credentials, please complete the consent form for your details to be shared with the supplier.

  1. Find the Construction Information Service in Library Search
  2. Click on "Available Online", then click the "Construction Information Service CIS" access link
  3. On the next page, click the QConnect QConnectbutton 
  4. If requested, complete the consent form for your details to be shared with the supplier and click Accept, or sign in with your QUB ID card details
  5. You will be taken to the Accuris Main Menu screen. Select The Construction Information Service - CIS from the available services.

Please note: British Standards are listed in the Construction Information Service database, but the documents are not included. You can access these standards via the British Standards Online database. Check the "Standards and Eurocodes" tab of this guide for more information.

Accessing Architects' Journal via Construction Information Service

Architects' Journal

You can also access recent volumes of the Architects' Journal via the Construction Information Service database.

  1. Log into the Construction Information Service as set out above.
  2. Then scroll down to the section entitled "Technical Resources"
  3. Click on Architects' Journal.

Construction contracts

JCT contracts

You can access JCT contracts online via the Construction Information Service database.

After logging in, please ensure that you click on the option to view "The Construction Information Service - CIS" rather than any of the other available options. Then type in JCT and search.

NEC contracts

Some NEC4 contracts and user guides can be downloaded here (QUB login required):

NEC4 user guides

Hardcopies of NEC3 and NEC4 contracts and guidance notes can be borrowed from the McClay Library. An additional set of NEC3 contracts and guidance notes is also available in the library for reference use.

NEC4: the contracts (catalogue link)

NEC4: user guide (catalogue link)

NEC3 : the contracts (catalogue link)

NEC3 : guidance notes and flow charts (catalogue link)


The Construction Information Service database provides access to a number of additional guides to JCT and NEC contracts.