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Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences

Subject guide for all QUB Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences students and staff. Features video guides to planning and running database searches, and using EndNote for reference management.

UpToDate point-of-care tool

Since September 2024, the Library at Queen's has offered access to UpToDate, a point-of-care tool providing information to support clinical decision making, drug administration, and patient education.

Medical students in particular may find UpToDate's overviews of clinical topics useful for revision purposes.

The Library's subscription to UpToDate replaces its previous BMJ Best Practice access, and brings QUB resources in line with those of the various HSC Trusts, all of which offer staff access to UpToDate.

UpToDate must be accessed for the first time via using a device connected to the QUB network. Register with UpToDate in order to use it anywhere for periods of up to 90 days. A mobile app is also available.

For more information, please see the access and registration guide below:

UpToDate training resources can be found at:

Questions about UpToDate should be sent to Richard Fallis, Subject Librarian for Medicine, Dentistry, and Biomedical Sciences:

Screenshot of the main UpToDate search page