Please find below an extract from the Library Regulations. To read the Library Policies and Regulations in full, please click on the link below:
1.1 Introduction
The purpose of these Regulations is to enable users to make the fullest use of the University Library resources, buildings and services, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Library’. The Regulations apply to all libraries administered by the Director of Information Services, referred to from here on as the ‘Director’, and may be enforced by any member of Information Services staff acting on behalf of the Director.
In the Regulations, the word ‘book’ means any book, pamphlet, periodical, manuscript, map, microform or other material which forms part of the Library’s collections.
Users of the Library are reminded that Library Regulations have the force of University Regulations for discipline. Any penalties imposed for breaching the Regulations fall within the framework of the University’s disciplinary system.
1.2 Access to the Library
Details of the opening hours of the Library are available from the Library website. Significant changes to this schedule will normally be agreed by the University Operating Board.
Details of who may use the Library appear in Library Regulations Schedule 1: Access to the Queen’s University Library, see regulation 1.6 below.
All persons entering the Library must show acceptable proof of identity on request.
1.3 Conduct in the Library
Any disorderly conduct in the Library, or any behaviour which unfairly inconveniences other users or causes damage or the risk of damage to books, furniture, equipment or the fabric of the building, constitutes a breach of the Regulations.
Regulations for orderly conduct in the Library include the following:
Use only the prescribed entrances and exits.
Do not take bulky personal possessions (suitcases, etc.) into the Library.
Study areas in the Library may be designated as silent, quiet or available for group work. Out of consideration for others, users must maintain good order and observe the rule relating to noise applying to each area.
Switch mobile phones to silent on entering the Library and only use them in areas designated for this purpose.
Do not consume food in the Library except in areas designated for this purpose.
Do not damage or deface any Library book or other Library property.
Show your University/Library identity card to a member of Library staff if asked to do so.
Show your books, bags, etc., to a member of Library staff when leaving the Library, if asked to do so.
1.4 Borrowing
Detailed borrowing regulations for different categories of users and materials appear in Library Regulations Schedule 2: Borrowing from the Queen’s University Library, see regulation 1.7 below.
Books must not be removed from the Library unless they have been borrowed in accordance with the Regulations.
Notices sent from the Library within the University are normally sent by electronic mail. Email notices to students are sent to the Queen’s Student Mail Service address.
Fines will be charged on overdue books.
Users with outstanding fines will not be allowed to borrow further books until the fines are paid. The Director or any other person nominated by the Director shall have the power to remit or reduce fines in a particular case.
Users will be considered to be in default if, within a reasonable time and without lodging an objection, they fail to (a) return any overdue book (b) return any book recalled by the Library or (c) pay any fine which had been imposed by the Library.
Users who are in default will, after written warning, have their Library Account suspended. A student who is in default with the Library is considered to be in breach of University Conduct Regulations and may be subject to disciplinary action (see Conduct Regulations).
Users who lose or deface a book belonging to the Library will be required to pay a sum of money to enable the purchase of a replacement copy (or replacement set).