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Derivation and validation of a point-based forecasting tool for SARS-CoV-2 critical care occupancy
In search of COVID-19 vaccines that elicit mucosal immunity and stop transmission
Long COVID for the rheumatologist: current understanding and approach to management
Long-term risk of autoimmune and autoinflammatory connective tissue disorders following COVID-19
Neurologic manifestations of Long COVID disproportionately affect young and middle-age adults
Prevalence and symptoms of Long Covid-19 in the workplace
Severity and long-term mortality of COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus
Annals of Neurology (Feb); BMC Infectious Diseases (Nov); Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (Mar); Cureus (Jan); eClinicalMedicine (Feb); JAMA (Jan); JAMA Dermatology (Dec); JAMA Internal Medicine (Jan); JAMA Network Open (Jan); Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Feb); Lancet, The (Jan); MedRxiv (Jan); Nature Communications (Jan); Occupational Medicine (Jan); Psychiatry Research (Feb); Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America (Feb)
4 in 10 Minnesota COVID survivors report having at least 1 lingering symptom
See also: Impact of Long COVID symptoms in Minnesota
Disinfection effect of ozonated water on SARS-CoV-2 in the presence of salivary proteins
Long COVID Labs Vision Paper (proposed framework for accelerating research into and development of a Long COVID cure)
Long Covid: ‘rest and pacing’ isn’t that easy
The prognostic relevance of pleural effusion in patients with COVID-19 - a German multicenter study
Tattoo ink induces inflammation in the draining lymph node and impairs the immune response against a COVID-19 vaccine (preprint – new results)
Therapeutic BCG vaccine protects against long COVID: the BATTLE randomized clinical trial
What is the spectrum of kidney pathology associated with COVID-19?
Arthritis Care & Research (Jan); BioRxiv (Jan); Cell Host & Microbe (Dec); Central Bylines website (Jan); CIDRAP website (Jan); Clinical Imaging (Jan); Internal Medicine Journal (Dec); Journal of General Internal Medicine (Jan); Journal of Hospital Infection (Jan); Journal of Infection (Jan); Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy (Jan); Journal of Internal Medicine (Jan); Long COVID Labs website (Jan); Minnesota Department of Health website (Jan); Obesity Facts (Dec)
COVID-19 vaccine uptake inequality among older adults: a multidimensional demographic analysis
Disinfection effect of ozonated water on SARS-CoV-2 in the presence of salivary proteins
Long-term recovery in critically ill COVID-19 survivors: a prospective cohort study
The PDZ domain of the E protein in SARS-CoV induces carcinogenesis and poor prognosis in LUAD
Post-COVID-19 condition and pulmonary embolism
Real-world assessment of reinfection with SARS-CoV-2: implications for vaccines
Reduced durability of hybrid immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in immunocompromised children
Trends of common laboratory biomarkers after SARS-CoV-2 infection
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (Jan); American Journal of Infection Control (Jan); Frontiers in Immunology (Dec); Frontiers in Psychiatry (Dec); Journal of Hospital Infection (Jan); Journal of Infection (Dec); Journal of Infection and Public Health (Jan); Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare (Dec); Microbes and Infection (Nov-Dec); Urology Journal (Dec)
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