Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.
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Attention to the values, wishes and needs of patients with advanced cancer by hospital clinicians
Barriers to serious illness conversations among patients with advanced cancer: a qualitative study
Clinician communication in hospice: constructions of reality throughout the end-of-life process
Digitally recording comfort observations in the last days of life
End-of-life care of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
Impact of a criteria-based inpatient palliative oncology consultation model on end-of-life outcomes
Impact of diagnosis nondisclosure on quality of dying in cancer patients: a bereavement study
Recommendations for psychosocial support for long-distance caregivers of terminally ill patients
Sights and sounds of respiratory changes during hospice death vigils: hospice caregivers’ experience
A survey of Jewish attitudes and experiences relating to end-of-life care and the “right to die”
Use of essential medicines for pain relief and palliative care: a global consensus approach
American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care, The (Feb-Mar); Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Jan-Mar); Omega (Feb)
Death anxiety in patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers
End-of-life care from the perspectives of patients with cancer and their nurses: a qualitative study
Incidence of death anxiety in palliative care: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Music therapy intervention to reduce symptom burden in hospice patients: a descriptive study
Nurses’ perceptions on good death and their attitudes towards the care of dying individuals
Palliative care consults for clinician distress: part of the job?
Palliative sedation at the end of life: prevalence, characteristics and possible determinants
Predictors of specialty outpatient palliative care utilization among persons with serious illness
Towards a crisis management playbook: hospice and palliative care team members’ views amid COVID-19
Utilization of palliative radiation in pediatric oncology patients during the end-of-life (EOL)
A window of opportunity for ICU end-of-life care—a retrospective multicenter cohort study
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (Nov); American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, The (Jan); BMC Palliative Care (Dec); Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Dec); Omega (Nov-Dec)
Advance care planning in patients with suspected or proven COVID: are we meeting our own standards?
Association between oral health status and survival time in terminally ill cancer patients
Bridge the gap: addressing rural end-of-life care disparities and access to hospice services
Challenges in pediatric home-based hospice and palliative care: a case series
Compassionate presence in seriously ill cancer patients
The conveyor belt for older people nearing the end of life
Enhancing end-of-life care with home-based palliative interventions: a systematic review
Exploring pediatric code status, advance care planning, and mode of death disparities at end of life
The impact of climate change on hospice and palliative medicine: a scoping and narrative review
The impact of hospice care structures on care processes: a retrospective cohort study
Management of critical glucose values in hospice
Opportunities to improve end-of-life care quality among patients with short terminal admissions
Pediatric oncology hospice: a comprehensive review
Quality of care in the last two years of life for children with complex chronic conditions
Screening for end-of-life in acute hospitals: a cross-sectional survey
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, The (Oct-Dec); Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (Sep); Internal Medicine Journal (Aug); Journal of Climate Change and Health, The (Jul-Aug); Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Oct-Nov)
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