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HSC Medicine, Dentistry and Healthcare Sciences Current Awareness Bulletins: End-of-Life Care

End-of-Life Care current awareness bulletin

Frequency: Bi-monthly

Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.

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March 2025

Acceptability of nursing support for patients with terminal cancer and their families: a Delphi study

Attention to the values, wishes and needs of patients with advanced cancer by hospital clinicians

Barriers to serious illness conversations among patients with advanced cancer: a qualitative study

Clinician communication in hospice: constructions of reality throughout the end-of-life process

“Death is as much a part of life as living”: attitudes and experiences preparing for death from older adults with sickle cell disease

Digitally recording comfort observations in the last days of life

Effectiveness of music therapy, aromatherapy, and massage therapy on patients in palliative care with end-of-life needs: a systematic review

End-of-life care of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

Factors influencing family members in choosing the preferred place of death for hospitalized dying older patients

Impact of a criteria-based inpatient palliative oncology consultation model on end-of-life outcomes

Impact of diagnosis nondisclosure on quality of dying in cancer patients: a bereavement study

Impact of implementing serious illness conversations across a comprehensive cancer center using an interdisciplinary approach

Ketamine use for palliative care in the austere environment: is ketamine the path forward for palliative care?

“Nobody wants to take about it, especially in this building”: a qualitative study of how people living in permanent supportive housing approach end-of-life care

A phase II study about the efficacy and safety of the continuous intravenous infusion of ketamine as adjuvant to opioids in terminally ill cancer patients with refractory cancer pain (CIVIK trial)

Preferred place of death discussions: are they informing and empowering patients and their family caregivers?

Recommendations for psychosocial support for long-distance caregivers of terminally ill patients

Sights and sounds of respiratory changes during hospice death vigils: hospice caregivers’ experience

A survey of Jewish attitudes and experiences relating to end-of-life care and the “right to die”

A systematic review of barriers and facilitators to implementing assisted dying: a qualitative evidence synthesis of professionals’ perspectives

Use of essential medicines for pain relief and palliative care: a global consensus approach


American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care, The (Feb-Mar); Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Jan-Mar); Omega (Feb)

January 2025

Application of terror management theory to end-of-life care decision-making: a narrative literature review

The central role of housing key workers in supporting healthcare interactions for people experiencing homelessness and implications for palliative care: a qualitative study

Continuum: a postdischarge supportive care intervention for hospitalized patients with advanced cancer

Death anxiety in patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers

The effect of the care behaviors of nurses working in intensive care clinics of moral distress experienced during end of life patient care

End-of-life care from the perspectives of patients with cancer and their nurses: a qualitative study

Factors influencing the survival time of patients with advanced cancer at the end of life: a retrospective study

Incidence of death anxiety in palliative care: a systematic review and meta-analysis

A mixed methods analysis of standardized documentation of serious illness conversations within an electronic health record module during hospitalization

Music therapy intervention to reduce symptom burden in hospice patients: a descriptive study

Nurses’ perceptions on good death and their attitudes towards the care of dying individuals

Palliative and end-of-life care interventions with minoritized populations in the US with serious illness: a scoping review

Palliative care consults for clinician distress: part of the job?

Palliative sedation at the end of life: prevalence, characteristics and possible determinants

Predictors of specialty outpatient palliative care utilization among persons with serious illness

The relationship between the attitudes of nursing students towards providing care for a dying patient and their empathic tendencies

Towards a crisis management playbook: hospice and palliative care team members’ views amid COVID-19

Utilization of palliative radiation in pediatric oncology patients during the end-of-life (EOL)

A window of opportunity for ICU end-of-life care—a retrospective multicenter cohort study


Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (Nov); American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, The (Jan); BMC Palliative Care (Dec); Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Dec); Omega (Nov-Dec)

November 2024

Advance care planning in patients with suspected or proven COVID: are we meeting our own standards?

Association between oral health status and survival time in terminally ill cancer patients

Bridge the gap: addressing rural end-of-life care disparities and access to hospice services

Challenges in pediatric home-based hospice and palliative care: a case series

Compassionate presence in seriously ill cancer patients

Continuous electrocardiographic monitoring for 24 hours before death in patients with terminal cancer

The conveyor belt for older people nearing the end of life

End-of-life medical decisions: the link between sociodemographic characteristics and treatment preferences

Enhancing end-of-life care with home-based palliative interventions: a systematic review

Exploring pediatric code status, advance care planning, and mode of death disparities at end of life

The impact of climate change on hospice and palliative medicine: a scoping and narrative review

The impact of hospice care structures on care processes: a retrospective cohort study

Management of critical glucose values in hospice

The matter of grief, loss and bereavement in families of those living and dying in residential aged care setting: a systematic review

Opportunities to improve end-of-life care quality among patients with short terminal admissions

Pediatric oncology hospice: a comprehensive review

“Postponing it any later would not be so great": a cognitive interview study of how physicians decide to initiate goals of care discussions in the hospital

Quality of care in the last two years of life for children with complex chronic conditions

Recommendations for deprescribing of medication in the last phase of life: an international Delphi study

Screening for end-of-life in acute hospitals: a cross-sectional survey

Timing of palliative care consultation impacts end of life care outcomes in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer


American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, The (Oct-Dec); Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (Sep); Internal Medicine Journal (Aug); Journal of Climate Change and Health, The (Jul-Aug); Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Oct-Nov)


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