Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.
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Managing emergency endotracheal intubation utilizing a bougie
Pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria: diagnostic accuracy and impact of COVID-19
Academic Emergency Medicine (Dec-Jan); Annals of Emergency Medicine (Jan); Emergency Medicine Journal (Jan); Journal of Emergency Medicine (Dec); Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (Dec)
Diagnostic accuracy of alternative biomarkers for acute aortic syndrome: a systematic review
Feasibility of adolescent contraceptive care in the pediatric emergency department
Improving clinician interpretation of emergency skeletal radiographs
Managing the swollen knee in a child
Stroke risk after emergency department treat-and-release visit for a fall
Academic Emergency Medicine (Oct-Nov); Annals of Emergency Medicine (Nov-Dec); Emergency Medicine Journal (Nov-Dec); Journal of Infection (Nov); Stroke (Sep-Oct)
The AI future of emergency medicine
Diagnostic accuracy of D-dimer for acute aortic syndromes: systematic review and meta-analysis
Evaluation and management of hypertensive emergency
First do no harm: predicting futility of intervention in geriatric emergency general surgery
Imaging overuse in the emergency department: the view of radiologists and emergency physicians
Interventions to improve emergency department throughput and care delivery indicators
Major burns in adults: a practice review
Outcomes of adult patients discharged at scene by emergency medical services
Patient perceptions of behavioral flags in the emergency department: a qualitative analysis
Prevalence and predictors of radiographic pneumonia in children with wheeze
Quality improvement project aiming to reduce inappropriate use of abdominal x-rays in the ED
Reduced noise in the emergency department: the impact on staff well-being and room acoustics
Upper limb computed tomography (CT) angiography in the emergency department
Using natural language processing in emergency medicine health service research
The value of an emergency medicine virtual observation unit
Academic Emergency Medicine (Jul-Sep); American Journal of Surgery, The (Oct); Annals of Emergency Medicine (Aug-Oct); BMJ, The (Jul-Aug); Clinical Radiology (Sep); Emergency Medicine Journal (Aug-Oct); European Journal of Internal Medicine (Jun); European Journal of Radiology (Jul); Public Health (Sep)
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