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HSC Medicine, Dentistry and Healthcare Sciences Current Awareness Bulletins: Orthopaedics

Orthopaedics current awareness bulletin

Frequency: Bi-monthly

Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.

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March 2025

Alendronate for the primary and secondary prevention of osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women (updated Cochrane intervention review)

Bone grafting augmentation choices in complex proximal humerus fractures: a systematic review

Characteristics of patients with very high fracture risk in a community-dwelling geriatric cohort

ChatGPT is an unreliable source of peer-reviewed information for common total knee and hip arthroplasty patient questions

Clinical challenges in bone tissue engineering - a narrative review

Clinical efficacy and safety of P-15 peptide enhanced bone graft substitute in surgical bone regenerative procedures in adult maxillofacial, spine, and trauma patients

A comparative meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of arthroscopic versus open surgery in patients with lateral epicondylitis

The diagnostic value of an upright chest radiograph in diagnosing acromioclavicular joint dislocation

Direct factor Xa inhibitors versus low molecular weight heparins or vitamin K antagonists for prevention of venous thromboembolism in elective primary hip or knee replacement or hip fracture repair (new Cochrane intervention review)

Don’t mind the gap: reframing the Perren strain rule for fracture healing using insights from virtual mechanical testing

Effectiveness of bespoke or customised orthotic treatment in plantar pressure reduction of the central metatarsals: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The effects of social determinants of health on anterior cruciate ligament injury recovery

Low rate of growth disturbance after posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction or repair in skeletally immature patients: a systematic review

Medial meniscus ramp tears: state of the art

Mixed reality infrastructure based on deep learning medical image segmentation and 3D visualization for bone tumors using DCU-Net

Patellofemoral instability – state of the art: part 1 – when to operate and soft tissue procedurespart 2 – bony procedure for patellar surgical stabilizationpart 3 – patellofemoral cartilage treatment

Prediction of implant failure risk due to periprosthetic femoral fracture after primary elective total hip arthroplasty

Return to sport at the pre-injury level following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is influenced by patients' perceived knee status and psychological readiness, and does not correlate with functional ability

When disaster strikes: conversion of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty to total knee arthroplasty


Advances in Orthopedics (Dec-Jan); Bone (Mar); Bone & Joint Research (Jan-Feb); Cochrane Library (Jan); Journal of Bone Oncology (Feb); Journal of ISAKOS (Feb); Journal of Orthopaedics (Jan)

January 2025

Accelerated rehabilitation and return to sport after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome is safe and effective

Addressing knee osteoarthritis pathology through platelet-rich plasma treatment

Are tourniquets indicated in total knee arthroplasty in the era of tranexamic acid?

Assessment and management of periacetabular aneurysmal bone cysts—a series of four cases

Can ChatGPT answer patient questions regarding reverse shoulder arthroplasty?

Clinical decision-making in bone cancer care management and forecast of ICU needs based on computed tomography

Conservative treatment versus surgical reconstruction for ACL rupture

Defining the extracellular matrix in non-cartilage soft-tissues in osteoarthritis: a systematic review

Distal femoral osteotomies improves recurrent patellar instability in patients with genu valgum

Effect of co-morbidities on outcomes of first metatarsophalangeal joint fusion: a systematic review

Exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee (updated Cochrane intervention review)

Immune microenvironment of cancer bone metastasis

Implementing group consultations in a lower limb musculoskeletal outpatient service to improve efficiency and maintain positive patient outcomes

Innate immune response to bone fracture healing

Long-term effects of COVID-19 infection on bone mineral density

Mesenchymal stem cells in orthopaedics: a systematic review of applications to practice

Partial subscapularis tear: state-of-the-art

Sex specific considerations in anterior cruciate ligament injuries in the female athlete: state of the art

Should I add orthobiologics to my knee osteotomy practice? A systematic review

Spino-plastic surgery

A systematic review and mapping exercise to assess the content validity of patient-reported outcome measures for adults having reconstructive surgery of the lower limb

Total hip replacement or resistance training for severe hip osteoarthritis


Advances in Orthopedics (Nov); BMJ Open Quality (Dec); Bone (Jan-Feb); Bone and Joint Open (Dec); Bone and Joint Research (Dec); Cochrane Library (Nov-Dec); Joint Bone Spine (Dec); Journal of Bone Oncology (Dec); Journal of Global Health (Oct); Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery (Dec); Journal of ISAKOS (Dec); Journal of Orthopaedics (Nov-Dec); NEJM (Oct); Orthoplastic Surgery (Dec)

November 2024

Advances in bioadhesives for meniscal repair: a comprehensive review and criteria for the ideal candidate

Assistive technologies, including orthotic devices, for the management of contractures in adults after a stroke (new Cochrane intervention review)

The association between fracture and short-term adverse health outcomes among children with cerebral palsy

Considerations for revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a review of the current literature

The critical importance of recognition, evaluation, and management of mental health on outcomes following hip arthroscopy – a synthetic narrative review: current concepts

Effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and ultrasound-guided percutaneous lavage in reducing the pain of rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis

Efficacy and safety of asfotase alfa in patients with hypophosphatasia: a systematic review

Establishment of intervertebral disc degeneration models; a review of the currently used models

Estrogen and estrogen receptors mediate the mechanobiology of bone disease and repair

Global, regional, and national burden and trends analysis of malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage from 1990 to 2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

Global, regional and national trends in the burden of low bone mineral density from 1990 to 2030: a Bayesian age-period-cohort modeling study

Improved outcomes with perioperative dietitian-led interventions in patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty: a systematic review

In the medium term, more than half of males report kinesiophobia after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Nonunion of distal humeral fractures: current concepts

Psychological and educational interventions for preventing falls in older people living in the community (new Cochrane intervention review)

Rehabilitation for ankle fractures in adults (updated Cochrane intervention review)

The relationship between joint hypermobility and patellar instability: a systematic review

Resistance training in patients with total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Robotic assessment of patella tracking in total knee arthroplasty

The role of bone in energy metabolism: a focus on osteocalcin

Single-step scaffold insertion for repairing symptomatic chondral knee defects (new NICE interventional procedures guidance IPG793)

A systematic review of the use of shockwave therapy for knee osteoarthritis

Treatment of brachial plexus injuries following gunshot injuries: a systematic review


Advances in Orthopedics (Aug-Oct); Bone (Nov-Dec); Cochrane Library (Sep-Oct); Journal of ISAKOS (Oct); Journal of Orthopaedics (Oct); NICE website (Sep-Oct)


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