Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.
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Alterations in salivary profile in individuals with dental caries and/or obesity
Artificial intelligence for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning: a scoping review
Effect of cross-head speed on the bond strength of dental resin to tooth structure
The effect of nano-hydroxyapatite on white spot lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Emerging nanozyme therapy incorporated into dental materials for diverse oral pathologies
Image-based multi-omics analysis for oral science: recent progress and perspectives
Is zirconia surface etching a viable alternative to airborne particle abrasion?
Matrix metalloproteinases in dentin: assessing their presence, activity, and inhibitors
Mechanical performance of endocrown restorations in anterior teeth
Oral health status of individuals with eating disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis
Parental acceptability of silver diamine fluoride: the UK and US experiences
Prevention of retrograde peri-implantitis caused by pulpal/periapical lesions in adjacent teeth
Dental Materials (Nov-Jan); International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry (Jan); Journal of Dentistry (Dec-Jan)
Adhesive restorations in primary dentition
Association between oral health status and survival time in terminally ill cancer patients
Caries experience of people with cystic fibrosis: a systematic review
Cultural factors and family influences on adolescent oral health
Current perspectives on calcium silicate-based intracanal medicaments
Dental caries and salivary alterations in patients with type 2 diabetes
Dental photography for children: a global survey
Dental treatment of children with special healthcare needs
Effectiveness of psychological intervention in improving adolescents’ oral health
Effectiveness of pulpotomy in managing carious exposure in mature permanent teeth
Efficacy of topical application of corticosteroids in the remineralization of dental pulp tissue
Impact of social wellbeing on tooth loss and cognition: a scoping review
Interdisciplinary dentistry for complex paediatric dental cases
Masking efficacy of bleaching and/ or resin infiltration of fluorotic spots on anterior teeth
Mechanical properties and crown accuracy of additively manufactured zirconia restorations
Relationship between tooth loss and progression of frailty
Repair of partially defective restorations
Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries (updated Cochrane intervention review)
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (Dec); American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care (Oct); Dental Materials (Oct); International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry (Nov); Journal of Dentistry (Oct-Nov)
Advances in clinical diagnosis and management of amelogenesis imperfecta in children and adolescents
Advances in zirconia-based dental materials
Artificial intelligence for detecting periapical radiolucencies
Beyond the surface: a comparative study of intraoral scanners in subgingival configuration scanning
Candida species in periodontitis: a new villain or a new target?
Dental screening pathway for paediatric nephrology patients: a service development and evaluation
Development of a virtual orthodontic advice pathway in a community dental service
Effects of endodontic root canal irrigants on tooth dentin revealed by infrared spectroscopy
Fatigue methods for evaluating translucent dental zirconia
Improving dental trauma management in primary care: a team-based approach
Oral health assessment of newly diagnosed oncology patients—who are we missing?
Overcoming local anesthesia failure during routine dental treatments in children
The role of intraoral scanning in the fully digital workflow for post and core restorations
Virtual clinics in paediatric dentistry
Dental Materials (Aug-Sep); International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry (Sep); Journal of Dentistry (Aug-Sep)
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