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HSC Medicine, Dentistry and Healthcare Sciences Current Awareness Bulletins: Psychiatry

Psychiatry current awareness bulletin

Frequency: Bi-monthly

Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.

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February 2025

Antipsychotic drugs and cognitive function: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Associations between maternal preconception and pregnancy adiposity and neuropsychiatric and behavioral outcomes in the offspring: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Barriers and facilitators to mental health care access and engagement for LGBTQA+ people with psychosis: a scoping review

Brief cognitive behavioral therapy for suicidal inpatients: a randomized clinical trial

Bright light therapy for nonseasonal depressive disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Clinical outcomes of continuation and maintenance electroconvulsive therapy

Effects of interventions to combat tobacco addiction: Cochrane update of 2021 to 2023 reviews

Effects of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) on psychotic symptoms and psychological outcomes in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis

A group parenting intervention for male postpartum depression: a cluster randomized clinical trial

How do people quit smoking using e-cigarettes? A mixed-methods exploration of participant smoking pathways following receiving an opportunistic e-cigarette-based smoking cessation intervention

Neuroinflammation, stress-related suicidal ideation, and negative mood in depression

Predicting suicides among US army soldiers after leaving active service

Predictors of substance use during treatment for addiction: a network analysis of ecological momentary assessment data

Prevention of self‐harm and suicide in young people up to the age of 25 in education settings (Cochrane review)

Psychiatric symptoms, cognition, and symptom severity in children

Psychosocial interventions offered across inpatient and crisis settings to the social networks of service users with psychosis: a systematic review

Reducing self-stigma in psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological interventions

The relationship between cannabis and nicotine use: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Risk of suicide across medical conditions and the role of prior mental disorder

Sexual trauma, polygenic scores, and mental health diagnoses and outcomes

Social cognition interventions for patients with first-episode psychosis: a scoping review

Slowing cognitive decline in major depressive disorder and mild cognitive impairment

Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts after direct or indirect psychotherapy

Traumatic and adverse childhood experiences and developmental differences in psychiatric risk


Addiction (Dec-Jan); Cochrane Library (Dec); JAMA Psychiatry (Dec-Jan); Psychiatry Research (Dec-Jan)

December 2024

Air quality and mental illness: role of bioaerosols, causal mechanisms and research priorities

An analysis of prescribing data in ADHD for adolescents and adults in Scotland

ADHD diagnoses and prescriptions in UK primary care, 2000–2018: population-based cohort study

Analysis of serious adverse incidents reported to RQIA where the diagnosis is addictions/substance misuse, September 2024

Autistic psychiatrists’ experiences of recognising themselves and others as autistic

Bringing imaging biomarkers into clinical reality in psychiatry

Consistency of delusion themes across first and subsequent episodes of psychosis

E-cigarettes: a framework for comparative history and policy

Effect of behavioural activation for individuals with post-stroke depression

Hyperalgesia in patients with a history of opioid use disorder

Inflammatory biomarkers and risk of psychiatric disorders

Inflammatory biomarkers in depression: scoping review

The Lancet Commission on self-harm

Measuring clinical outcomes in adult ADHD clinics: psychometrics of a new scale, the adult ADHD Clinical Outcome Scale

Post-traumatic stress disorder and symptoms in paediatric cancer survivors and their family nucleus

Perspectives on physician-assisted suicide in mental healthcare: results of a survey of physicians and medical students

Prevalence of problematic pharmaceutical opioid use in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

Prioritization of psychopathological symptoms and clinical characterization in psychiatric diagnoses

Psychosis and schizophrenia among patients with epilepsy

School-based eating disorder prevention programmes and their impact on adolescent mental health

Self-poisoning with paracetamol in England: short report of characteristics of individuals and their overdoses according to source of tablets

Social vulnerability and prevalence and treatment for mental health and substance use disorders

Suicide-related internet use of mental health patients: what clinicians know

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the traumatogenic phenotype hypothesis of psychosis

Temporal patterns and individual characteristics of compulsory treatment orders for mental disorders in Scotland from 2007 to 2020


Addiction (Nov); BJPsych Open (Sep-Nov); Epilepsy Research (Nov); JAMA Psychiatry (Oct-Nov); Lancet, The (Oct); RQIA website (Oct)

October 2024

Adjuvant psychotherapies to prevent relapse in bipolar disorder: a randomized clinical trial

Adolescent and adult transitions from major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder

Approaches to improving mental healthcare for autistic people: systematic review

Burden of mental disorders and suicide attributable to childhood maltreatment

Caring for hospitalized adults with opioid use disorder in the era of fentanyl: a review

Cognitive and psychiatric symptom trajectories 2–3 years after hospital admission for COVID-19: a longitudinal, prospective cohort study in the UK

Differential outcomes of placebo treatment across 9 psychiatric disorders

Eating disorders remain neglected despite sharp rise in Europe (BMJ feature article)

Efficacy and safety of xanomeline-trospium chloride in schizophrenia: a randomized clinical trial

Electronic cigarettes and subsequent use of cigarettes in young people: an evidence and gap map

Ethnicity and suicide in England and Wales: a national linked cohort study

Friendships and peer relationships and self-harm ideation and behaviour among young people

The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on youth mental health

Major psychiatric disorders, substance use behaviors, and longevity

Management of depression in adults: a review

Mental health service use before first diagnosis of a psychotic disorder

New and emerging treatments for major depressive disorder

Prospective and retrospective measures of child maltreatment and their association with psychopathology: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Psychedelic‐assisted therapy for treating anxiety, depression, and existential distress in people with life‐threatening diseases (new Cochrane intervention review)

Soundless voices, silenced selves: are auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia truly perceptual?

Stigmatization and mental health impact of chronic pediatric skin disorders

Suicidal thoughts and behaviors in parents caring for children with disabilities and long-term illnesses

Suicide in individuals with eating disorders who had sought mental health treatment in England: a national retrospective cohort study

Systematic review and meta-analyses of cytisine to support tobacco cessation

Transitional discharge interventions for people with schizophrenia (new Cochrane intervention review)


Addiction (Sep-Oct); Archives of Suicide Research (Jul); BJPsych Open (Aug); BMJ, The (Jul-Sep); Cochrane Library (Aug-Sep); JAMA (Jul); JAMA Dermatology (Jun); JAMA Internal Medicine (Jun); JAMA Psychiatry (Aug-Sep); Lancet Psychiatry, The (Aug-Sep)


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