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HSC Medicine, Dentistry and Healthcare Sciences Current Awareness Bulletins: Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention current awareness bulletin

Frequency: Monthly

Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.

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March 2025

ALBRECHT, S., et al. 2025. Suicidality in Primary Care, Youth Mental Health Services: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Implications for Practice. Early Interv Psychiatry, 19, e70020. Access:

ALLEN, J., et al. 2025. Indigenous Community-Level Protective Factors in the Prevention of Suicide: Enlarging a Definition of Cultural Continuity in Rural Alaska Native Communities. Prev Sci. Request:

AL-MAMUN, F., et al. 2025. Suicidal behaviors among high school graduates with preexisting mental health problems: A machine learning and GIS-based study. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 71, 65-77. Access:

ANESTIS, M. D., et al. 2025. Threat perceptions, defensive behaviors, and the perceived suicide prevention value of specific firearm storage practices. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 55, e13123. Access:

ARENDT, F., et al. 2025. Social media influencers and the Papageno effect: Experimental evidence for the suicide-preventive impact of social media posts on hope, healing, and recovery. Soc Sci Med, 370, 117852. Access:

BENNETT-POYNTER, L., et al. 2025. Harnessing digital health data for suicide prevention and care: A rapid review. Digit Health, 11, 20552076241308615. Access:

BHULLAR, A., et al. 2025. Informed Choice? An Assessment of Privacy Labels for Suicide Prevention Apps. Stud Health Technol Inform, 322, 7-11. Access:

BLAIS, R. K. & GRIMM, K. J. 2025. The interpersonal theory of suicide risk in male US service members/veterans: the independent effects of perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness. Eur J Psychotraumatol, 16, 2439748. Access:

BLAIS, R. K., et al. 2025. Higher gender role stress and depressive severity increase suicide risk among male military service members and veterans. J Affect Disord. Access:

BORAH, K., te al. 2025. Systematic Development, Validation, and Implementation of a Workshop Module "Suicide Prevention Program" for Pre-University College Teachers. Indian J Psychol Med, 02537176251314061. Access:

CHAVEZ, L. J., et al. 2025. Youth experiencing homelessness at risk for suicide: psychosocial risk factors and service use patterns. BMC Public Health, 25, 444. Access:

CHHATRE, S., et al. 2025. Gender Comparison of Veterans Crisis Line Risk Ratings and Consequent Suicidal Self-Directed Violence Outcomes During the COVID Era. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 55, e13162. Request:

COLLINS, C. 2025. Engaging in Lethal Means Safety (ELMS): An Evaluation of a Suicide Prevention Means Safety Training Program for Mental Health First Responders. Health Soc Work, 50, 51-59. Access:

CRAY, H. V., et al. 2025. Public Awareness Campaigns on Suicide Prevention Are Not Optimized for Older Adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 33, 463-467. Access:

DEMPSEY, C. L., et al. 2025. Gun Ownership for Safety/Protection and Unsecured Firearm Storage Practices: Suicide Risk and Prevention Among U.S. Army Servicemembers. Am J Prev Med, 68, 311-319. Access:

DING, Z., et al. 2025. Speech based suicide risk recognition for crisis intervention hotlines using explainable multi-task learning. J Affect Disord, 370, 392-400. Access:

DOUPNIK, S. K., et al. 2025. Suicide Prevention and Telehealth in Children's Hospital Emergency Departments. Pediatr Emerg Care, 41, e10-e17. Request:

EDWARDS, E. R., et al. 2025. Prevalence of mental health conditions, substance use disorders, suicidal ideation and attempts, and experiences of homelessness among Veterans with criminal-legal involvement: A meta-analysis. Clin Psychol Rev, 115, 102533. Access:

FRASER, R., et al. 2025. Suicide in people prescribed opioid-agonist therapy in Scotland, United Kingdom, 2011–2020: A national retrospective cohort study. Addiction, 120, 276-284. Access:

GOODING, P. P., et al. 2025. Underlying mechanisms and efficacy of a suicide-focused psychological intervention for psychosis, the Cognitive Approaches to Combatting Suicidality (CARMS): a multicentre, assessor-masked, randomised controlled trial in the UK. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 12, 177-188. Access:

GRIFFIN, B. A., et al. 2025. Rethinking Suicide Prevention Research - Moving Beyond Traditional Statistical Significance. Crisis. Access:

GUALTIERI, S., et al. 2025. Suicide in Italy: Epidemiological Trends, Contributing Factors, and the Forensic Pathologist's Role in Prevention and Investigation. J Clin Med, 14. Access:

HILL, L., et al. 2025. Stigma and Barriers to Care, Online Mental Health Tools, and Suicidality in California's Veterans. Mil Med, 190, e504-e509. Request:

HOLLAND, P., et al. 2025. Clinicians Perspectives on Effective Suicide Prevention in Secondary Care Adult Mental Health Services: An Appreciative Inquiry Approach. Int J Ment Health Nurs, 34, e13508. Access:

INNAMORATI, M., et al. 2025. Mental states and temperaments contributing to suicidal crisis in psychiatric inpatients: a cross-sectional and validation study. BMC Psychiatry, 25, 140. Access:

JEONG, H., et al. 2025. Developing a Mobile App to Prevent Suicide Based on a Software Development Life Cycle: Application of Ecological Momentary Assessment and Interventions. Int J Ment Health Nurs, 34, e70001. Access:

JUNG, H. W. & PARK, H. J. 2025. The effects of socio-economic and environmental factors on Korean suicidal ideation: A Bayesian multilevel analysis. Public Health, 239, 193-200. Access:

KANG, D. H., et al. 2025. Suicide prevention strategies in South Korea: What we have learned and the way forward. Asian J Psychiatr, 104, 104359. Access:

KAPUR, N., et al. 2025. Quality improvement for suicide prevention and self-harm intervention: addressing the implementation gap and saving lives. Lancet Psychiatry. Access:

KIRIAKOPOULOS, E. T., et al. 2025. Psychosocial Burden and Suicidality in Epilepsy: A Public Health Concern. Epilepsy Curr, 15357597251318577. Access:

KRISHNAMOORTHY, S., et al. 2025. The Role of Contextual Determinants in Implementation of Complex Suicide Prevention Interventions: An Application of the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation and Sustainment (EPIS) Framework. Int J Health Plann Manage. Access:

KUNDURTHI, S., et al. 2025. Knowledge User Engagement for Digital Health Data in Suicide Prevention: Lessons Learned for a Multinational Data Governance Framework. Stud Health Technol Inform, 322, 17-21. Access:

LIDIA, C. N., et al. 2025. Beliefs about the uncontrollability of emotions and interpersonal needs as predictors of Suicide Crisis Syndrome. J Psychiatr Res, 182, 312-318. Access:

LINSCOTT, R. J. & PARKER, T. R. 2025. Direct and indirect paths from subclinical symptoms of schizotypal personality to suicidal thinking among non-help-seeking adolescents. Psychiatry Research, 346, 116385. Access:

LYNCH, F., et al. 2025. Provider Perspectives on the Use of Mental Health Apps, and the BritePath App in Particular, With Adolescents at Risk for Suicidal Behavior: Qualitative Study. JMIR Hum Factors, 12, e64867. Access:

MAO, W., et al. 2025. Suicidal ideation among mental health patients at hospital discharge: prevalence and risk factors. BMC Psychiatry, 25, 112. Access:

MILLIGAN, T., et al. 2025. Case management for suicide prevention: a rapid review and evidence map. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. Request:

MULLIGAN, D. J., et al. 2025. Integrating Social Determinants With the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in a Study of Bipolar Outpatients. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 55, e70003. Request:

NORR, A. M., et al. 2025. Suicide prevention safety planning in the US Department of defense: Qualitative assessment of training. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 55, e13131. Request:

OGEIL, R. P., et al. 2025. Diverging trends in alcohol-related harms: The role of comorbid mental health, suicide and self-harm behaviors in ambulance attendances for alcohol intoxication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Victoria, Australia. J Affect Disord, 371, 170-176. Access:

O'NEIL, M. E., et al. 2025. Introducing the suicide prevention trials database: A publicly available data repository of suicide prevention studies. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 55, e13152. Access:

PARKHURST, J., et al. 2025. Suicide Prevention training in pediatric primary care: A Scoping Review. Acad Pediatr, 102790. Access:

RAHMANI, A., et al. 2025. Key messages for suicide prevention media campaigns in Iran: findings from a Delphi study. BMC Public Health, 25, 697. Access:

REARDON, D. C. 2025. Suicide risks associated with pregnancy outcomes: a national cross-sectional survey of American females 41–45 years of age. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 46, 2455086. Access:

REES, H., et al. 2025. Interventions aimed at preventing suicide in the healthcare workforce: a systematic review. Nurs Manag (Harrow), 32, 19-25. Access:

REIFEGERSTE, D., et al. 2025. Formative Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Websites for Men: Qualitative Study with Men at Risk of Suicide and with Potential Gatekeepers. JMIR Form Res, 9, e59829. Access:

RUBBO, B., et al. 2025. Preventing suicide by restricting access to Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs): A systematic review of international evidence since 2017. PLOS Glob Public Health, 5, e0003785. Access:

SALT, E., et al. 2025. Evaluation of a Suicide Prevention Education Program for School Nurses With Emphasis on Willingness to Intervene. Nurs Educ Perspect. Access:

SANTO, T. J., JR., et al. 2025. Quantifying the impact of a large-scale opioid agonist treatment program on suicide prevention in New South Wales, Australia: A data-modeling study. Addiction. Access:

SEMENZA, D. C., et al. 2025. Frequency, recency, and variety of gun violence exposure: Implications for mental health and suicide among US adults. Soc Sci Med, 366, 117672. Access:

SHIN, H. D., et al. 2025. Help-Seeking Needs Related to Suicide Prevention for Individuals in Contact With Mental Health Services: A Rapid Scoping Review. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 32, 217-241. Access:

SONG, K., et al. 2025. Diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorder and Deaths Related to Alcohol, Drug Overdose, or Suicide among Post-9/11 Active Duty Service Members and Veterans Following Traumatic Brain Injury. J Addict Med. Request:

SOUZA, D. M., et al. 2025. What comes next? A cross-sectional study on post-discharge referrals of adolescents treated in emergency services following a suicide attempt. J Clin Nurs, 34, 529-541. Access:

SPAFFORD, S. G., et al. 2025. What is known about suicide prevention gatekeeper training and directions for future research. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 55, e13130. Request:

STAS, P., et al. 2025. Pharmacists as Gate Keepers in Suicide Prevention: Assessing Support Needs of Pharmacy Teams. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003), 102353. Access:

TAN, L., et al. 2025. Information-Knowledge-Attitude-Practice Model in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Behaviours of Adolescence and Young Adults With Major Depressive Disorder: Randomised Controlled Trials. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. Access:

TONDO, L. & BALDESSARINI, R. J. 2025. History of Suicide Prevention with Lithium Treatment. Pharmaceuticals (Basel), 18. Access:

TORINO, G., et al. 2025. Physical pain and suicide-related outcomes across the lifespan: systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research, 345, 116371. Access:

TUDA, D., et al. 2025. Life is precious: A quasi-experimental study of a community-based program to prevent suicide among Latina adolescents in New York City. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 55, e13027. Request:

VAGHELA, G., et al. 2025. Evaluating the global landscape of suicide helpline services: a global survey across 105 countries. Lancet Psychiatry, 12, 100-110. Access:

VICKERS, D. L., et al. 2025. Analysis of sociodemographic and health related factors influencing mental health service utilisation amongst Australian males with experience of suicidal thoughts or attempts. J Affect Disord. Access:

WILCOX, H. C., et al. 2025. Editorial: Disparities in Mental Health Care Access Prior to Youth Suicide: Implications for Research and Upstream Prevention. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Access:

WILKINSON, S. T., et al. 2025. Making Progress in Clinical Trials for Suicide Prevention: A Review. JAMA Psychiatry. Access:

ZIELINSKI, M. J., et al. 2025. Community-driven strategies for implementing suicide prevention education in jails. Psychol Serv. Request:


PubMed Search: (suicid*[Title]) AND (mental-health[Title] OR social-determinant*[Title] OR inequalit*[Title] OR crisis[Title] OR service*[Title] OR prevent*[Title] OR information[Title] OR health-promotion[Title] OR public-health[Title] OR postvention[Title]) Filters: from 2025/2/1 - 2025/2/28

February 2025

ADITAMA, M. H. R. 2025. The integrated role of CBT and sensory regulation in suicide ideation prevention interventions for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Asian J Psychiatr, 103, 104328. Access:

ANSTEE, L., et al. 2025. Characteristics and outcomes of people in suicidal crisis at two emergency departments: a service evaluation. Emerg Nurse, 33, 25-31. Access:

BENNETT-POYNTER, L., et al. 2025. Characteristics of suicide prevention apps: a content analysis of apps available in Canada and the UK. BMJ Open, 15, e087468. Access:

BOLAND, L. L., et al. 2025. Use of Emergency Mental Health Dispatch Training by a 9-1-1 Medical Dispatcher Assisting a Caller Expressing Suicidal Intent: A Case Report. Prehosp Emerg Care, 29, 96-99. Request:

CANTOR, J., et al. 2025. Changes in Specialty Crisis Services Offered Before and After the Launch of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. JAMA Psychiatry. Access:

CELEDONIA, K. L., et al. 2025. Temporal Patterns of Suicidality Among Adolescents Receiving Behavioral and Mental Health Services in the Community: A Survival Analysis. Community Ment Health J, 61, 130-137. Request:

CHANG, C. C. 2025. Coping With Hanged Ghosts: Rationalizing the Prevention of Suicide by Hanging in Early Modern China. Omega (Westport), 302228241312839. Request:

CLEMENTS, A., et al. 2025. Hidden in Plain Sight - Staff Exposure to Suicide and Responses to a New, Systemic Model of Workplace Postvention. Crisis, 46, 56-64. Request:

COHEN, L. J., et al. 2025. Intention to utilize mental health and suicide prevention resources in a community sample during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Psychiatry, 25, 82. Access:

COLMENERO-NAVARRETE, L., et al. 2025. Beliefs about the uncontrollability of emotions and interpersonal needs as predictors of Suicide Crisis Syndrome. J Psychiatr Res, 182, 312-318. Access:

DIEFENBACH, G. J., et al. 2025. The effect of inpatient brief cognitive-behavioral therapy for suicide prevention on post-discharge emergency department utilization: Secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 93, 73-79. Access:

EDWARDS, E. R., et al. 2025. Improving explainability of post-separation suicide attempt prediction models for transitioning service members: insights from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers - Longitudinal Study. Transl Psychiatry, 15, 37. Access:

GAETE, J., et al. 2025. Acceptability and Feasibility of a Blended School-Based Intervention to Prevent Suicidal Ideation Among Adolescents in Chile: Results from a Randomized Control Pilot Study. Prev Sci. Request:

GÓMEZ-VALLEJO, S., et al. 2025. The role of childhood maltreatment and mental health disorders on suicidal behaviour in adolescents. Child Abuse Negl, 159, 107151. Access:

HAMSTRA-WRIGHT, K. L., et al. 2025. Preventing Suicide and Promoting Mental Health Among Student-Athletes From Diverse Backgrounds. J Sport Rehabil, 34, 60-65. Request:

HARRIS, B. R., et al. 2025. Crisis Intercept Mapping for Community-Based Suicide Prevention: An Assessment of the Crisis Infrastructure and Future Considerations for 988. Community Ment Health J, 61, 87-94. Request:

HETRICK, S. & SHARMA, V. 2025. Debate: Where to next for universal school-based mental health interventions? Can research led by young people shape universal solutions for mental health and suicide prevention in school settings? Child Adolesc Ment Health. Access:

HOFMANN, L., et al. 2025. The role of informal caregivers in suicide prevention for men- findings from a psychological autopsy study. BMC Public Health, 25, 370. Access:

HOLMES, G., et al. 2025. Applications of Large Language Models in the Field of Suicide Prevention: Scoping Review. J Med Internet Res, 27, e63126. Access:

HULTSJÖ, S., et al. 2025. Outpatient Mental Health Nurses' Experiences of Suicide Follow-Up Interventions: A Qualitative Interview Study. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. Access:

JACKSON, B., et al. 2025. Measuring What Outcomes Matters Most to People When Accessing Suicide Postvention Support: A Qualitative Study. Community Ment Health J. Access:

KALESNIKAVA, V. A., et al. 2025. Area Socioeconomic Inequality and Suicide Mortality: Contrasting Common Measures using National Violent Death Reporting System and Linked Administrative Data. Am J Epidemiol. Request:

KANG, D. H., et al. 2025. Suicide prevention strategies in South Korea: What we have learned and the way forward. Asian J Psychiatr, 104, 104359. Access:

KENNARD, B. D., et al. 2025. Problematic social media use and relationship to mental health characteristics in youth from the Texas Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network (TX-YDSRN). J Affect Disord, 374, 128-140. Access:

LAMONTAGNE, A. D., et al. 2025. MATES in Manufacturing: A Cluster RCT Evaluation of a Workplace Suicide Prevention Program. Am J Ind Med. Access:

LEROLLE, A., et al. 2024. Exploring the relationship between eco-anxiety and suicide risk in adolescents with mental health disorders: insights from a cross-sectional observational study. Front Psychol, 15, 1408835. Access:

MANDARANO, P. 2025. Target profiles for suicidality prevention with role-playing interventions in adolescence: a call-to-action protocol. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Request:

MCKENNA, S., et al. 2025. Childhood contact with social services, self-harm and suicidal or self-harm ideation in young adulthood: a population-wide record-linkage study. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 34, e2. Access:

MUSGROVE, R., et al. 2024. Primary care contact, clinical management, and suicide risk following discharge from inpatient mental health care: a case-control study. BJGP Open, 8. Access:

NA, P. J., et al. 2025. Social Determinants of Health and Suicide-Related Outcomes: A Review of Meta-Analyses. JAMA Psychiatry. Access:

NUNES-MORENO, M., et al. 2025. Mental Health Diagnoses and Suicidality Among Transgender Youth in Hospital Settings. LGBT Health, 12, 20-28. Request:

OSTANIN, J., et al. 2025. Suicidal Behaviors Among United States Adolescents: Increasing Clinical and Public Health Challenges. Children (Basel), 12. Access:

PELLATT, R. A. F., et al. 2025. The risk of repeated self-harm and suicide after emergency department presentation with self-harm in mental health presenters: a retrospective cohort study with data linkage in Queensland, Australia. Lancet Reg Health West Pac, 54, 101263. Access:

POLZER, E. R., et al. 2025. "You wished the ground would open and swallow you up": Expert opinions on shame, the collective, and other cultural considerations for suicide prevention among Asian American and Pacific Islander veterans. Inj Epidemiol, 12, 5. Access:

POSTOLACHE, T. T., et al. 2025. Toxoplasma gondii, suicidal behaviour and suicide risk factors in US Veterans enrolled in mental health treatment. Folia Parasitol (Praha), 72. Access:

PRESSEAU, C., et al. 2025. The Promise of a Retreat: Perspectives of U.S. Women Veterans and Interdisciplinary Experts on the Development of a Retreat-Based Suicide Prevention Program for Violence-Exposed Women Veterans. Violence Against Women, 10778012241303471. Request:

PURTLE, J., et al. 2025. Evidence for Public Policies to Prevent Suicide Death in the United States. Annu Rev Public Health. Access:

ROCKLEIN, K., et al. 2025. No Sky Too High, No Sea Too Rough: Qualitative Investigation of Resilience and Suicide in Special Operations Forces Service Members. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv, 1-13. Request:

RODWIN, A. H., et al. 2025. Childhood adversities and suicidal ideation among young adults with serious mental illnesses: The mediating roles of perceived stress, dispositional hope, and mental health hope. J Affect Disord, 368, 820-828. Access:

RUBBO, B., et al. 2025. Preventing suicide by restricting access to Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs): A systematic review of international evidence since 2017. PLOS Glob Public Health, 5, e0003785. Request:

SEMENZA, D. C., et al. 2025. Frequency, recency, and variety of gun violence exposure: Implications for mental health and suicide among US adults. Soc Sci Med, 366, 117672. Access:

SPITTAL, M. J., et al. 2025. Evaluating Population-Level Interventions and Exposures for Suicide Prevention. Crisis, 46, 50-55. Access:

STEINBERG, J. S. & GREEN, K. L. 2025. Barriers to and Facilitators of Mental Health Treatment Among Suicidal Individuals. Community Ment Health J. Request:

TANG, Y. 2024. Regional disparities and dynamic evolution of suicide prevention and intervention efficiency in Japan. Front Public Health, 12, 1359902. Access:

THOMAS, J., et al. 2025. An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Text Classifier for Suicidality Prediction in Youth Crisis Text Line Users: Development and Validation Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill, 11, e63809. Access:

TRAN, A. & HERNANDEZ, A. 2025. Mental health perspectives on nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidality among intramural, club, and varsity women college athletes. J Am Coll Health, 1-11. Request:

WARD, J. M., et al. 2025. Concept Analysis: Challenge Coins as a Caring Support Tool to Prevent Farmer Suicide. J Agromedicine, 30, 153-164. Request:

WATSON, R. D. & WALKER, K. B. 2025. Advocating for Life: A Hospital's Guide to Suicide Prevention. J Clin Psychol. Request:

YANG, X., et al. 2025. Factors of suicide-related behaviors based on stress-vulnerability model and prevention strategies among nurses: a scoping review. Front Psychol, 16, 1483904. Access:


PubMed Search: (suicid*[Title]) AND (mental-health[Title] OR social-determinant*[Title] OR inequalit*[Title] OR crisis[Title] OR service*[Title] OR prevent*[Title] OR information[Title] OR health-promotion[Title] OR public-health[Title] OR postvention[Title]) Filters: from 2025/1/1 - 2025/1/31

January 2025

ALLIE, S. N., et al. 2024. Best-practice recommendations for campus-based suicide postvention intervention at a South African university in the Western Cape: An expert consensus study. Death Stud, 1-9.

ASSAREH, M., et al. 2024. Mental health and attitudes toward suicide amongst individuals with gender dysphoria in Iran. Front Psychiatry, 15, 1443638.

BASSILIOS, B., et al. 2024. Key informant perspectives of suicide prevention in Australia. BMC Public Health, 24, 3449.

BOND, A. E., et al. 2024. Communicating the science of suicide prevention: A call to action for psychologists. Suicide Life Threat Behav, 54, 1092-1100.

CHALLINOR, A., et al. 2024. Suicide and self-harm in prisons: The challenge of service evaluation and prevention. Crim Behav Ment Health, 34, 463-468.

CHONG, M. K., et al. 2024. A Digital Approach for Addressing Suicidal Ideation and Behaviors in Youth Mental Health Services: Observational Study. J Med Internet Res, 26, e60879.

CLARK, S. L., et al. 2024. Substance use patterns and mental health comorbidities in youth with a history of depression or suicidality: Findings from TX-YDSRN. J Affect Disord, 366, 210-216.

CLEMENTS, A., et al. 2024. Hidden in Plain Sight - Staff Exposure to Suicide and Responses to a New, Systemic Model of Workplace Postvention. Crisis.  

COQUELIN, M., et al. 2024. Alinéa suicide postvention program: a codesigned early proactive intervention for survivors. Front Psychol, 15, 1436680.

FINLEY, E. P., et al. 2024. Partnership building for scale-up in the Veteran Sponsorship Initiative: Strategies for harnessing collaboration to accelerate impact in suicide prevention. Health Serv Res, 59 Suppl 2, e14309.

GÓMEZ-VALLEJO, S., et al. 2025. The role of childhood maltreatment and mental health disorders on suicidal behaviour in adolescents. Child Abuse Negl, 159, 107151.

GUPTA, M., et al. 2024. Advances in suicide prevention: critical overview of the gaps in suicide risk assessments, multimodal strategies, medicolegal risks, and the emerging evidence. CNS Spectr, 1-11.  

HOFFMIRE, C. A., et al. 2024. Non-Fatal Suicidal Self-Directed Violence among U.S. Veterans (2022): The Assessing Social and Community Environments with National Data (ASCEND) for Veteran Suicide Prevention Study. Am J Epidemiol.

HWANG, M., et al. 2024. Changes in suicide inequalities in the context of an increase and a decrease in suicide mortality: The case of South Korea, 1995-2020. Soc Sci Med, 362, 117472.

JANNEY, C. A., et al. 2024. Depression and loneliness in a volunteer sample of adults at a suicide prevention and fund-raising walk: a feasibility study. Physiol Behav, 114797.

KENNEDY, C. J., et al. 2024. Predicting Suicides Among US Army Soldiers After Leaving Active Service. JAMA Psychiatry, 81, 1215-1224.

LEVKOVICH, I. & OMAR, M. 2024. Evaluating of BERT-based and Large Language Mod for Suicide Detection, Prevention, and Risk Assessment: A Systematic Review. J Med Syst, 48, 113.

MARLEY, G., et al. 2024. Comparing three methods to assess learning outcomes for a suicide prevention training program for pharmacy staff. PEC Innov, 5, 100348.

MUSGROVE, R., et al. 2024. Primary care contact, clinical management, and suicide risk following discharge from inpatient mental health care: a case-control study. BJGP Open, 8.

MYERS, C. E., et al. 2024. Initial evaluation of a personalized advantage index to determine which individuals may benefit from mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for suicide prevention. Behav Res Ther, 183, 104637.

NEVAREZ-FLORES, et al. 2024. Means Restriction for Suicide Prevention: An Umbrella Review. Acta Psychiatr Scand.

NUÑEZ, D., et al. 2024. Reframe-IT+, an indicated preventive school-based intervention, reduces suicidal ideation among adolescents in vulnerable contexts in Chile. BMC Psychol, 12, 780.

PARRY, G. J., et al. 2024. Comparisons of mental health treatment frequency and risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among youth. Psychiatry Res, 342, 116270.

PIERANTONELLI, M., et al. 2024. "Validation of three scales for enhanced suicide prevention in Spanish-speaking populations: Suicidal ideation, stigma, and literacy". J Psychiatr Res, 180, 190-197.

PISANI, A. R., et al. 2024. Text Messaging to Extend School-Based Suicide Prevention: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Ment Health, 11, e56407.

POHAN, R. A., et al. 2024. Spiritual integration in counseling for student suicide prevention in higher education in Indonesia. Asian J Psychiatr, 102, 104287.

RIVART, P., et al. 2024. Suicide in mental health patients in the UK between 2005 and 2021: study of methods and clinical characteristics to inform prevention. BJPsych Open, 10, e228.

RUCH, D. A., et al. 2024. Evidence-Based Youth Suicide Prevention and Intervention in Pediatric Primary Care Settings. Pediatr Clin North Am, 71, 1119-1140.

SALMI, S., et al. 2024. Real-time assistance in suicide prevention helplines using a deep learning-based recommender system: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Med Inform, 195, 105760.

SHARMA, V., et al. 2024. Prevention of self‐harm and suicide in young people up to the age of 25 in education settings. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

STANLEY, I. H., et al. 2024. Actualizing Military Suicide Prevention Through Digital Health Modernization. JAMA Psychiatry, 81, 1173-1174.

TAUSEEF, H. A., et al. 2024. A call to integrate menstrual cycle influences into just-in-time adaptive interventions for suicide prevention. Front Psychiatry, 15, 1434499.

WEINSTOCK, L. M., et al. 2024. Design of a multicenter randomized controlled trial of a post-discharge suicide prevention intervention for high-risk psychiatric inpatients: The Veterans Coordinated Community Care Study. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 33, e70003.

YEH, P. G. & TSAI, J. 2024. Differential prevalence of psychiatric disorders and mental health characteristics associated with lifetime suicide attempts in the Asian American and Pacific Islander adult population. J Psychiatr Res, 180, 86-95.  


PubMed Search: (suicid*[Title]) AND (mental-health[Title] OR social-determinant*[Title] OR inequalit*[Title] OR crisis[Title] OR service*[Title] OR prevent*[Title] OR information[Title] OR health-promotion[Title] OR public-health[Title] OR postvention[Title]) Filters: from 2024/12/1 - 2024/12/31


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