Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.
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ADITAMA, M. H. R. 2024. The integrated role of CBT and sensory regulation in suicide ideation prevention interventions for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Asian J Psychiatr, 103, 104328. Access:
ATHEY, A., et al. 2024. A national evaluation of the impact of child access prevention laws on rates of youth suicide and other youth firearm deaths. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Access:
BAKER, J. C., et al. 2024. Telehealth brief cognitive behavioral therapy for suicide prevention: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Netw Open, 7, e2445913. Access:
BALLARD, E. D., et al. JR. 2024. Clinical indicators of the suicide crisis and response to ketamine. J Affect Disord, 372, 126-133. Request:
BARCELOS, A. M., et al. 2024. Lifeguard Pharmacy: the co-development of a new community pharmacy response service for people in danger from domestic abuse or suicidal ideation. Int J Pharm Pract, 32, 452-460. Access:
BARSZNICA, Y., et al. 2024. Emotional information processing in depressed elderly with suicidal behavior. Encephale. Request:
BERGER, B. D., et al. 2024. Effect of veteran-focused suicide prevention public messaging on help-seeking behavior and secure firearm storage. Omega (Westport), 302228241297553. Access: Request:
BOJANIĆ, L., et al. 2024. Suicide-related internet use of mental health patients: what clinicians know. BJPsych Open, 10, e195. Access:
CHIU, L., et al. 2024. The Culturally Infused Curricular Framework (CICF) for suicide prevention trainings. Health Promot Pract, 25, 1104-1115. Request:
CIANCI, V., et al. 2024. Suicidal events in cancer patients and the importance of an early prevention: a narrative review. Clin Ter, 175, 391-398. Access:
COMTOIS, K. A., et al. 2024. Experiential suicide prevention training for substance use treatment intensive outpatient program counselors: stepped wedge cluster-randomized training study. J Subst Use Addict Treat, 166, 209397. Access:
DANIELSEN, S., et al. 2024. Mental health, risk behaviors, and social life factors in relation to adolescents' suicide ideation, plans and attempt. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. Request:
DING, Z., et al. 2024. Speech based suicide risk recognition for crisis intervention hotlines using explainable multi-task learning. J Affect Disord, 370, 392-400. Access:
DYBALL, D., et al. 2024. Suicidal ideation in male UK military personnel who sustained a physical combat injury in Afghanistan and the mediating role of leaving service: the ADVANCE cohort study. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 70, 1279-1288. Access:
FULGINITI, A., et al. 2024. Follow-up care offers and acceptance in crisis line suicide prevention services. Crisis, 45, 403-410. Request:
GAILY-LUOMA, S., et al. 2024. Suicide attempt survivors' recovery-related agency in the relational context of services: a qualitative analysis. BMC Public Health, 24, 3068. Access:
HOFFMIRE, C. A., et al. 2024. Perceived social support moderates the relations between mental health symptoms and current suicidal ideation. Psychol Serv, 21, 817-827. Request:
HWANG, M., et al. 2024. Changes in suicide inequalities in the context of an increase and a decrease in suicide mortality: the case of South Korea, 1995-2020. Soc Sci Med, 362, 117472. Access:
IMEL, Z. E., et al. 2024. Machine learning-based evaluation of suicide risk assessment in crisis counseling calls. Psychiatr Serv, 75, 1068-1074. Request:
IVERSEN, C., et al. 2024. Dealing with callers' racialised talk in suicide preventive helplines: accomplishing (anti)racism in the context of unconditional support. Sociol Health Illn, 46, 1547-1586. Access:
KARTAL, D., et al. 2024. Evaluation of a youth-focused suicide prevention HOPE aftercare service: protocol for a non-randomized hybrid effectiveness-implementation type I design. BMC Health Serv Res, 24, 1395. Access:
LEE-TAULER, S. Y., et al. 2024. A qualitative study of special operations forces chaplaincy teams' relationship building for suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. Psychol Serv, 21, 797-810. Request:
LOHANI, M., et al. 2024. Suicide prevention via telemental health services: insights from a randomized control trial of crisis response plan and self-guided safety planning approaches. BMC Health Serv Res, 24, 1389. Access:
NAVARRO-HARO, M. V., et al. 2024. Factors associated with the implementation of dialectical behavior therapy by Spanish speaking mental health professionals who treat suicide risk. BMC Psychiatry, 24, 813. Access:
NEVAREZ FLORES, A. G., et al. 2024. The impact of suicide registers and other monitoring systems on suicide prevention: a scoping review. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 70, 1211-1233. Request:
OGEIL, R. P., et al. 2024. Diverging trends in alcohol-related harms: the role of comorbid mental health, suicide and self-harm behaviors in ambulance attendances for alcohol intoxication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Victoria, Australia. J Affect Disord, 371, 170-176. Access:
PARRY, G. J., et al. 2024. Comparisons of mental health treatment frequency and risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among youth. Psychiatry Res, 342, 116270. Access:
PREVETT, A., et al. 2024. Examining sex-based delays in utilizing advocacy support services among Australian military veterans: implications for health care access and suicide prevention. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 21. Access:
PURTLE, J., et al. 2024. Demographic variation in preferred sources for suicide prevention and mental health crisis services among U.S. adults. Prev Med Rep, 47, 102914. Access:
RIVERA-GONZÁLEZ, A. C., et al. Maui Wildfire and 988 suicide and crisis lifeline call volume and capacity. JAMA Netw Open, 7, e2446523. Access:
ROSENBLUM, K., et al. 2024. Changes in state laws on suicide prevention training for school staff, 2002-2022. Public Health Rep, 139, 750-759. Access:
ROSS, S. G., et al. 2024. The Suicide Prevention for College Students (SPCS) Gatekeepers Program: comparing in-person and online training outcomes. J Am Coll Health, 1-4. Request:
SCHOENE, A. M., et al. 2024. Automatically extracting social determinants of health for suicide: a narrative literature review. NPJ Ment Health Res, 3, 51. Access:
SONG, H., et al. 2024. Esketamine nasal Spras: rapid relief for TRD and suicide prevention-mechanisms and pharmacodynamics. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat, 20, 2059-2071. Access:
SWANEPOEL, A. & SOPER, C. A. 2024. Mental disorders may prevent, not cause, suicide. BJPsych Bull, 1-3. Access:
TEASDALE, S. B., et al. 2024. Evaluation of a community-based brief intervention service for youth in crisis with suicidal ideation or self-harm. Early Interv Psychiatry, 18, 912-919. Access:
TENSO, K., et al. 2024. Virtual mental health care and suicide-related events. JAMA Netw Open, 7, e2443054. Access:
TERAO, T., et al. 2024. Trace lithium for suicide prevention and dementia prevention: a qualitative review. Pharmaceuticals (Basel), 17. Access:
THOMÁS, M., et al. 2024. Promoting early-intervention for suicide prevention: the role of mental health literacy and attitudes towards suicide: a quantitative study in Ireland. Health Policy, 149, 105150. Access:
VÁZQUEZ MOREJÓN, A. J., et al. 2024. Prevalence and associated factors of passive suicidal ideation in a population treated by a community mental health unit. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 207640241299325. Request:
WALSH, E., et al. 2024. Implementing LEARN: comprehensive suicide prevention training for high school students, parents, and school personnel. J Sch Health, 94, 1040-1048. Access:
WHITTLE, K., et al. 2024. Self-harm, suicidal ideation, depression and peer relationships in transgender and gender diverse adolescents accessing specialist mental health services. Child Adolesc Ment Health, 29, 363-370. Access:
WOOD, D. S., et al. 2024. Are veterans willing to assist with firearm safety for suicide prevention? Mil Psychol, 1-9. Access:
YE, L., et al. 2024. Prevalence of major depression, suicidal ideation, and mental health treatment among cancer survivors. Palliat Support Care, 1-8. Access:
PubMed Search: (suicid*[Title]) AND (mental-health[Title] OR social-determinant*[Title] OR inequalit*[Title] OR crisis[Title] OR service*[Title] OR prevent*[Title] OR information[Title] OR health-promotion[Title] OR public-health[Title] OR postvention[Title]) Filters: from 2024/11/1 - 2024/11/30
ADINI-SPIGELMAN, E., et al. 2024. Comparative effectiveness of ultra-brief, IPT-A based crisis intervention for suicidal children and adolescents. Arch Suicide Res, 28, 1249-1262. Access:
AUSTIN, A. E., et al. 2024. Intersection of adverse childhood experiences, suicide and overdose prevention. Inj Prev, 30, 355-362. Request:
CHAN, L. F. 2024. Cultures, contexts, and learning opportunities in suicide prevention. Lancet Public Health, 9, e716-e717. Access:
COHEN, J. S., et al. 2024. Providing mental health resources for pediatric patients with low-risk suicidality. J Affect Disord, 362, 536-542. Request:
COHEN, L. J., et al. 2024. Diagnosis of the suicide crisis syndrome in the emergency department associated with significant reduction in 3-month readmission rates. J Clin Psychiatry, 85. Request:
COPPERSMITH, D. D., et al. 2024. Automated real-time tool for promoting crisis resource use for suicide risk (ResourceBot): development and usability study. JMIR Ment Health, 11, e58409. Access:
GULLESTRUP, J., et al. 2024. The role of social identity in a suicide prevention programme for construction workers in Australia. Health Promot Int, 39. Access:
HART, S. M., et al. 2024. Evaluating suicide prevention gatekeeper training designed to identify and support people from asylum-seeking and refugee backgrounds. BMC Public Health, 24, 2959. Access:
HAWTON, K. & PIRKIS, J. 2024. Preventing suicide: a call to action. Lancet Public Health, 9, e825-e830. Access:
HOLLIDAY, R., et al. 2024. Suicide risk screening and evaluation among patients accessing VHA services and identified as being newly homeless. Health Serv Res, 59, e14301. Request:
HOLMES, G., et al. 2024. Online versus in-person gatekeeper suicide prevention training: comparison in a community sample. J Ment Health, 33, 605-612. Access:
IRISH, A. J. 2024. State-level income inequality as a determinant of suicide mortality in the United States. Soc Work, 69, 339-346. Request:
JERPAN, J., et al. 2024. Changes in suicide-related tweets before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in France: the importance of social media monitoring in public health prediction. Encephale, 50, 516-523. Request:
KOHLBECK, S., et al. 2024. Toward a public health approach to farmer suicide prevention: the potential power of systems change. J Agromedicine, 29, 665-675. Request:
LARSON, R. M., et al. 2024. The social determinants of suicide among female service members and veterans. J Community Health, 49, 935-941. Request:
LEE, S. H., et al. 2024. Psychological resilience and suicidality in the general population: a cross-sectional study based on data from the National Mental Health Survey of Korea 2021. J Affect Disord, 363, 15-25. Request:
LEE, W., et al. 2024. Association of holidays and the day of the week with suicide risk: multicountry, two stage, time series study. BMJ, 387, e077262. Access:
MARRACCINI, M. E., et al. 2024. Information sharing between psychiatric hospitals and schools to better support adolescents returning to school following a suicide-related crisis. J Sch Psychol, 106, 101343. Access:
MCKINNON, II, et al. 2024. Experiences of racism in school and associations with mental health, suicide risk, and substance use among high school students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2023. MMWR Suppl, 73, 31-38. Request:
MORAN, P., et al. 2024. The Lancet Commission on self-harm. The Lancet, 404, 1445-1492. Access:
O'CONNOR, R. C., et al. 2024. Preventing suicide: understanding the complex interplay between individual and societal factors. Lancet Public Health, 9, e714-e715. Access:
PEPER-NASCIMENTO, J., et al. 2024. Suicide risk moderates the relationship between stressful life events, the suicidal narrative, and the suicide crisis syndrome: a Brazilian cross-sectional study. Arch Suicide Res, 28, 1186-1199. Access:
PIRKIS, J., et al. 2024. Public health measures related to the transmissibility of suicide. Lancet Public Health, 9, e807-e815. Access:
PIRKIS, J., et al. 2024. Preventing suicide: a public health approach to a global problem. Lancet Public Health, 9, e787-e795. Access:
SOBOKA, M., et al. 2024. Substance use and risk of suicide among adults who sought mental health and addiction specialty services through a centralised intake process in Nova Scotia: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 14, e086487. Access:
SOLOMON, J., et al. 2024. A mixed-methods cross-sectional study to evaluate the public acceptability of a novel pharmacy-based response service for domestic abuse and/or suicidal ideation. Res Social Adm Pharm, 20, 969-977. Access:
SUAREZ, N. A., et al. 2024. Disparities in school connectedness, unstable housing, experiences of violence, mental health, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among transgender and cisgender high school students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2023. MMWR Suppl, 73, 50-58. Request:
TROYA, M. I., et al. 2024. Patterns of hospital presenting suicide-related ideation in older adults before and during COVID-19: findings from a national clinical service in Ireland 2018-2021. Arch Suicide Res, 28, 1368-1379. Access:
VERLENDEN, J. V., et al. 2024. Mental health and suicide risk among high school students and protective factors - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2023. MMWR Suppl, 73, 79-86. Request:
WALSH, E., et al. 2024. Implementing LEARN: comprehensive suicide prevention training for high school students, parents, and school personnel. J Sch Health, 94, 1040-1048. Access:
WEXLER, L., et al. 2024. Centering community strengths and resisting structural racism to prevent youth suicide: learning from American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Arch Suicide Res, 28, 1294-1309. Access:
WHITTLE, K., et al. 2024. Self-harm, suicidal ideation, depression and peer relationships in transgender and gender diverse adolescents accessing specialist mental health services. Child Adolesc Ment Health, 29, 363-370. Access:
WOLK, C. B., et al. 2024. Engaging primary care patients at risk for suicide in mental health treatment: user insights to inform implementation strategy design. BMC Prim Care, 25, 371. Access:
WU, D., et al. 2024. Exploring the association between consultation themes and suicidal ideation: a gender-stratified analysis of Hangzhou Mental Health Hotline (2014-2023). BMC Psychiatry, 24, 650. Access:
ZARTALOUDI, A. E. 2024. Adolescent suicide: a major mental health issue in pediatric care. Minerva Pediatr (Torino), 76, 660-678. Access:
BMJ, The (Oct); Lancet, The (Oct); PubMed Search: (suicid*[Title]) AND (mental-health[Title] OR social-determinant*[Title] OR inequalit*[Title] OR crisis[Title] OR service*[Title] OR prevent*[Title] OR information[Title] OR health-promotion[Title] OR public-health[Title] OR postvention[Title]) Filters: from 2024/10/1 - 2024/10/31
ADDISON, M., et al. 2024. Suicidal thoughts and behaviours in body dysmorphic disorder: Prevalence and correlates in a sample of mental health service users in the UK. J Affect Disord, 361, 515-521.
ALTIN, M., et al. 2024. Problematic Pornography Use, Mental Health, and Suicidality among Young Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 21.
ASHWORTH, E., et al. 2024. "It's like an epidemic, we don't know what to do": The perceived need for and benefits of a suicide prevention programme in UK schools. Br J Educ Psychol, 94, 824-838.
AUSTIN, A. E., et al. 2024. Adolescent Mental Health and Suicidal Behaviors in the Context of Expanded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Eligibility. J Adolesc Health, 75, 435-441.
BADER, D. & FRANK, K. 2024. Understanding experiences of non-physical maltreatment in childhood in Canada: What is the relationship with suicidal ideation and mental health disorders? Health Rep, 35, 16-28.
BANDARA, P., et al. 2024. Women in Suicide Prevention Research. Crisis, 45, 317-322.
BÉLANGER, S. M., et al. 2024. General practitioner consultations for mental health reasons prior to and following bereavement by suicide. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 59, 1533-1541.
BHAGAR, R., et al. 2024. Next-generation precision medicine for suicidality prevention. Transl Psychiatry, 14, 362.
BILOG, A. D. 2024. Contemporary issue: Starting nurse suicide prevention during pre-licensure education. Nurse Educ Today, 140, 106288.
BRUCE, C., et al. 2024. Revolutionizing Mental Health Nursing Education: Virtual Reality Simulation for Understanding and Intervening in Major Depressive Disorder and Suicidal Thoughts. Nurs Educ Perspect, 45, 322-324.
BRÜDERN, J., et al. 2024. Implicit measures of suicide vulnerability: Investigating suicide-related information-processing biases and a deficit in behavioral impulse control in a high-risk sample and healthy controls. Behav Res Ther, 180, 104601.
DIMEFF, L. A., et al. 2024. A Suicide Prevention Digital Technology for Individuals Experiencing an Acute Suicide Crisis in Emergency Departments: Naturalistic Observational Study of Real-World Acceptability, Feasibility, and Safety. JMIR Form Res, 8, e52293.
ERIKSSON, E., et al. 2024. The Importance of Time: Nurses' Experiences of Working With Suicide Prevention and Suicide Risk Assessment in the Care of Older People. Int J Older People Nurs, 19, e12650.
GREYDANUS, D. E., et al. 2024. Pediatric suicide: Review of a preventable tragedy. Dis Mon, 70, 101725.
HIELSCHER, E., et al. 2024. Australian Youth Self-Harm Atlas: spatial modelling and mapping of self-harm prevalence and related risk and protective factors to inform youth suicide prevention strategies. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 33, e34.
MILLS, L., et al. 2024. A study into the mental health of PhD students in Australia: investigating the determinants of depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Sci Rep, 14, 22636.
NOGAR, J. N. & BATISTA-MINAYA, S. 2024. Suicide and the Epidemiology of a Toxin That Kills Quickly-Data Sharing Between Public Health Agencies. JAMA Netw Open, 7, e2434126.
QUELLEC, G., et al. 2024. Predicting suicidal ideation from irregular and incomplete time series of questionnaires in a smartphone-based suicide prevention platform: a pilot study. Sci Rep, 14, 20870.
SALMI, S., et al. 2024. The Most Effective Interventions for Classification Model Development to Predict Chat Outcomes Based on the Conversation Content in Online Suicide Prevention Chats: Machine Learning Approach. JMIR Ment Health, 11, e57362.
SWANSON, J. W., et al. 2024. Suicide Prevention Effects of Extreme Risk Protection Order Laws in Four States. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, 52, 327-337.
TRUE, G., et al. 2024. Suicide prevention providers' perspectives on addressing social determinants of health for at-risk Veterans. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 90, 84-87.
VAN DER BURGT, M. C. A., et al. 2024. Breaking Down Barriers to a Suicide Prevention Helpline: Web-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Ment Health, 11, e56396.
WANG, Z., et al. 2024. Understanding the influence of Social Determinants of Health (SDH) on suicidal behaviors among HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) in China: A population-based study. J Affect Disord, 360, 42-49.
WOODS, M. A., et al. 2024. Pilot Study Focused on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Health Access Behaviors of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses Regarding Suicide Prevention. J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc, 30, 852-857.
XIAO, L. & ZHANG, Q. 2024. Prevention of in-hospital suicide in China. Lancet Psychiatry, 11, 681.
PubMed Search: (suicid*[Title]) AND (mental-health[Title] OR social-determinant*[Title] OR inequalit*[Title] OR crisis[Title] OR service*[Title] OR prevent*[Title] OR information[Title] OR health-promotion[Title] OR public-health[Title] OR postvention[Title]) Filters: from 2024/9/1 - 2024/9/30
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