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HSC Medicine, Dentistry and Healthcare Sciences Current Awareness Bulletins: Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine

Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine current awareness bulletin

Frequency: Bi-monthly

Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.

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January 2025

Acute amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity in adult ICU patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation—a systematic review

Anesthesia providers' knowledge of medication interference with hormonal contraception: a multisite survey

Anesthesiologists' role in recognition, prevention, and treatment of childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder

Anterior quadratus lumborum blocks for postoperative pain treatment following intra-abdominal surgery: a systematic review with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses

The burden of chronic pain in transgender and gender diverse populations: evidence from a large US clinical database

Does pain influence control of muscle force? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Effect of intraoperative methadone in robot-assisted cystectomy on postoperative opioid requirements: a randomized clinical trial

Evaluating multiplicity reporting in analgesic clinical trials: an analytical review

Factors associated with decision to use and dosing of sugammadex in children: a retrospective cross-sectional observational study

Harnessing the therapeutic effects of nature for chronic pain: a role for immersive virtual reality? A narrative review

Improving obstetric anesthesia care through teaming and improvement science

Intraoperative anesthetic strategies to mitigate early allograft dysfunction after orthotopic liver transplantation: a narrative review

Magnesium and esophageal pain after peroral endoscopic myotomy of the esophagus: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Management of pain and sedation in the intensive care unit (BMJ state of the art review)

The measurement of “high-impact chronic pain”: limitations and alternative methods

Obstetric anesthesia quality metrics: performance, pitfalls, and potential

A pain research strategy for Europe: a European survey and position paper of the European Pain Federation EFIC

Postoperative sedation in general care wards: a retrospective cohort study

Procedure time-of-day effects on postoperative opioid requirements in children

Quality improvement in the digital age: the promise of using informatics to improve obstetric anesthesia care

Substance use disorders in adolescents and young adults: history and perioperative considerations from the Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine


Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (Jan); Anesthesia and Analgesia (Dec-Jan); BMJ, The (Dec); European Journal of Pain (Jan-Feb)

November 2024

Ambulatory anesthesia: current state and future considerations

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in cancer pain: a systematic review

Association between cannabis use and opioid consumption, pain, and respiratory complications after surgery: a retrospective cohort analysis

Cannabis use and anesthesia

Characterizing chronic pain and adverse childhood experiences in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer community

Effects of aromatherapy on quality of life and pain In patients with cancer: a meta-analysis

Effects of oxygenation targets on mortality in critically ill patients in intensive care units

Gastrointestinal pain: a systematic review of temporal summation of pain paradigms and outcomes

Illicitly manufactured fentanyl: anesthesia’s role in the perioperative setting

Impact of intraoperative dexamethasone on perioperative blood glucose levels

Inhaled analgesics for the treatment of prehospital acute pain—a systematic review

Mitigating intraoperative hypotension: a review and update on recent advances

Noise, distractions, and hazards in the operating room

Perioperative association between c-reactive protein, pain catastrophizing and acute pain after total knee arthroplasty: a secondary analysis of two randomised trials

Perioperative regional anesthesia on persistent opioid use and chronic pain after noncardiac surgery

Peripheral nerve blocks for closed reduction of distal radius fractures

Persistent spinal pain syndrome type 2 (evidence-based review)

Prescribing pattern insights from a longitudinal study of older adult inpatients with polypharmacy and chronic non-cancer pain

Radiofrequency for chronic lumbosacral and cervical pain: results of a consensus study using the RAND/UCLA appropriateness method

Remimazolam (review)

A scoping review of the epidemiology and treatment of painful procedures in hospitalized neonates: what has changed in the past three decades?

Switching from inhaled to intravenous general anaesthesia

Treating neuropathic pain and comorbid affective disorders: preclinical and clinical evidence


Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (Oct-Nov); Advances in Anesthesia (Dec); Anesthesia and Analgesia (Sep-Nov); BMJ, The (Oct); European Journal of Pain (Oct-Nov); Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Oct-Dec); Pain Practice (Sep)

September 2024

Effects of chronic daily headache with subclinical depression on brain volume

The effects of intraoperative methadone on postoperative pain control in pediatric patients

Emotion regulation skills-focused interventions for chronic pain

Implementation frameworks guiding digital self-management intervention in chronic pain

In search of a neuropsychological profile for migraine: a scoping review

Is pain ever acceptable? A qualitative exploration concerning adult perceptions of chronic pain

A matter of personality and point of view: how the interplay of reinforcement sensitivity and general attitudes towards pain impacts the responsivity to acute pain

More than just joy: a qualitative analysis of participant experiences during nitrous oxide sedation

Physical activity should be the primary intervention for individuals living with chronic pain: a position paper from the European Pain Federation (EFIC) ‘On the Move’ Task Force

Postoperative pain, recovery and discharge after robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy

Racial and ethnic patient care disparities in anesthesiology: history, current state, and a way forward

Remimazolam for sedation and anesthesia in children: a scoping review

Risks of serious adverse events with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in gastrointestinal surgery      

A slow-exchange interstitial fluid compartment in volunteers and anesthetized patients: kinetic analysis and physiology

Shifting views on cancer pain management: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Should obesity be an exclusion criterion for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support?          

Should subanesthetic ketamine be considered when managing opioid refractory cancer pain?

Sugammadex-associated anaphylaxis: summary and proposed management

Trajectories of opioid use before and after cancer diagnosis: a population-based cohort study

Triptan treatment is associated with a higher number of red wine-induced migraine episodes

Ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block in patients with chronic lumbar facet joint pain

Updates from the other side of the drape: recent advances in multimodal pain management and opioid reduction among pediatric surgical patients

Use of goals in cancer pain management: a systematic review

Veterans with chronic pain: examining gender differences in pain type, overlap, and the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder


Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (Aug-Sep); Anesthesia and Analgesia (Aug); European Journal of Pain (Aug-Sep); Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Aug-Sep); Journal of Pediatric Surgery (Jul); Pain Practice (Jul)


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