Links to articles in the current and previous 2 issues of this bulletin are displayed below.
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Emotion dysregulation in autism: severity and correlates in early childhood
Fit club: outcomes from 35-minute daily exercise program for autistic adolescents
How auditory processing influences the autistic profile: a review
Idiosyncratic pupil regulation in autistic children
Investigating the general psychopathology factor in autistic youth
Patterns of brain maturation in autism and their molecular associations
Autism & Developmental Language Impairments (Dec); Autism Research (Dec); Psychiatry Research (Feb); Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders (Jan)
Career progression for autistic people: a scoping review
Literacy in nonspeaking autistic people
The meaning of autistic movements
Navigating surgery with ADHD and autism
Poor face recognition predicts social anxiety in autism: a short report
Relationship between global warming and autism spectrum disorder from 1990 to 2019
Social media shaping autism perception and identity
Using Q-sort method to explore autistic students’ views of the impacts of their anxiety at school
Autism (Oct-Dec); BJPsych Open (Sep-Nov); BMJ, The (Oct)
Approaches to improving mental healthcare for autistic people: systematic review
Early developmental milestone clusters of autistic children based on electronic health records
Empathy in autistic children: emotional overarousal in response to others' physical pain
Employment profiles of autistic people: an 8-year longitudinal study
How healthcare systems are experienced by autistic adults in the United Kingdom: a meta-ethnography
In-hospital outcomes in people with autism and epilepsy – a population-based study
Mortality risk among autistic children and young people: a nationwide birth cohort study
Occurrence and predictors of lifetime suicidality and suicidal ideation in autistic adults
School participation of autistic youths: the influence of youth, family and school factors
What are the autism research priorities of autistic adults in Scotland?
Autism (Sep); Autism Research (Aug-Sep); BJPsych Open (Aug); BMJ Open (Sep); Epilepsy Research (Sep); JAMA Pediatrics (Aug); Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders (Aug-Sep)
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